
These are the exceptions thrown by Ferenda. Any of the python built-in exceptions may be thrown as well, but exceptions in used third-party libraries should be wrapped in one of these.

exception ferenda.errors.FerendaException[source]

Base class for anything that can go wrong in ferenda.

exception ferenda.errors.DownloadError[source]

Raised when a download fails in a non-recoverable way.

exception ferenda.errors.DownloadFileNotFoundError[source]

Raised when we had indication that a particular document should exist (we have a basefile for it) but on closer examination, it turns that it doesn’t exist after all. This is used when we can’t raise a requests.exceptions.HTTPError 404 error for some reason.

exception ferenda.errors.ParseError[source]

Raised when parse() fails in any way.

exception ferenda.errors.FSMStateError[source]

Raised whenever the current state and the current symbol in a FSMParser configuration does not have a defined transition.

exception ferenda.errors.DocumentRemovedError(value='', dummyfile=None)[source]

Raised whenever a particular document has been found to be removed – this can happen either during download() or parse() (which may be the case if there exists a physical document, but whose contents are essentially a placeholder saying that the document has been removed).

You can set the attribute dummyfile on this exception when raising it, preferably to the parsed_path that would be created, if not this exception had occurred.. If present, (or rather will use this to create a dummy file at the indicated path. This prevents endless re-parsing of expired documents.

exception ferenda.errors.DocumentSkippedError(value='', dummyfile=None)[source]

Raised if the document should not be processed (even though it may exist) since it’s not interesting.

exception ferenda.errors.DocumentRenamedError(value, returnvalue, oldbasefile, newbasefile)[source]
exception ferenda.errors.PatchError[source]

Raised if a patch cannot be applied by patch_if_needed().

exception ferenda.errors.NoDownloadedFileError[source]

Raised on an attempt to parse a basefile for which there doesn’t exist a downloaded file.

exception ferenda.errors.InvalidTree[source]

Raised when the parsed XHTML tree fails internal validation.

exception ferenda.errors.AttachmentNameError[source]

Raised whenever an invalid attachment name is used with any method of DocumentStore.

exception ferenda.errors.AttachmentPolicyError[source]

Raised on any attempt to store an attachment using DocumentStore when storage_policy is not set to dir.

exception ferenda.errors.ArchivingError[source]

Raised whenever an attempt to archive a document version using archive() fails (for example, because the archive version already exists).

exception ferenda.errors.ValidationError[source]

Raised whenever a created document doesn’t validate using the appropriate schema.

exception ferenda.errors.TransformError[source]

Raised whenever a XSLT transformation fails for any reason.

exception ferenda.errors.ExternalCommandError[source]

Raised whenever any invocation of an external commmand fails for any reason.

exception ferenda.errors.ExternalCommandNotFound[source]

Raised whenever any invocation of an external commmand fails

exception ferenda.errors.ConfigurationError[source]

Raised when a configuration file cannot be found in it’s expected location or when it cannot be used due to corruption, file permissions or other reasons

exception ferenda.errors.TriplestoreError[source]

Raised whenever communications with the triple store fails, for whatever reason.

exception ferenda.errors.SparqlError[source]

Raised whenever a SPARQL query fails. The Exception should contain whatever error message that the Triple store returned, so the exact formatting may be dependent on which store is used.

exception ferenda.errors.IndexingError[source]

Raised whenever an attempt to put text into the fulltext index fails.

exception ferenda.errors.SearchingError[source]

Raised whenever an attempt to do a full-text search fails.

exception ferenda.errors.SchemaConflictError[source]

Raised whenever a fulltext index is opened with repo arguments that result in a different schema than what’s currently in use. Workaround this by removing the fulltext index and recreating.

exception ferenda.errors.SchemaMappingError[source]

Raised whenever a given field in a schema cannot be mapped to or from the underlying native field object in an actual fulltextindex store.

exception ferenda.errors.MaxDownloadsReached[source]

Raised whenever a recursive download operation has reached a globally set maximum number of requests.

exception ferenda.errors.ResourceNotFound[source]

Raised when ResourceLoader method is called with the name of a non-existing resource.

exception ferenda.errors.PDFFileIsEmpty[source]

Raised when convert tries to parse the textual content of a PDF, but finds that it has no text information (maybe because it only contains scanned images).

exception ferenda.errors.PDFDecodeError[source]

Raised when a BaseTextDecoder or subclass encounters a problem decoding a non-standard encoding

exception ferenda.errors.RequestHandlerError[source]

Raised when RequestHandler attempts to handle an incoming request that it thinks it can support, but fails.