Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals

# A number of different classes each fetching the same data from
# different sources (and with different data formats and data fidelity)
import os
import re
import functools
import codecs
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from six.moves.urllib_parse import urljoin

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from rdflib import Literal
import requests
from six import text_type as str

from . import SwedishLegalSource, SwedishLegalStore, Trips, Regeringen, RPUBL
from ferenda import Describer
from ferenda import PDFDocumentRepository
from ferenda import CompositeRepository, CompositeStore
from ferenda import TextReader
from ferenda import util
from ferenda.decorators import managedparsing, downloadmax, recordlastdownload
from ferenda.elements import Paragraph
from ferenda.elements import Heading
from ferenda.elements import ListItem
from ferenda.errors import DocumentRemovedError

class Continuation(object):

[docs]class DirTrips(Trips): """Downloads Direktiv in plain text format from""" alias = "dirtrips" app = "dir" base = "DIR" # start_url is created (by Trips.download_get_basefiles) from this: download_params = [{'maxpage': 101, 'app': app, 'base': base}] # overrides Trips.document_url_template document_url_template = "${APPL}=DIR&${BASE}=DIR&${HTML}=dir_dok&${TRIPSHOW}=format=THW&BET=%(basefile)s" rdf_type = RPUBL.Direktiv @recordlastdownload def download(self, basefile=None): if basefile: return super(DirTrips, self).download(basefile) else: if self.config.lastdownload and not self.config.refresh: startdate = self.config.lastdownload - timedelta(days=30) self.start_url += "&UDAT=%s+till+%s" % ( datetime.strftime(startdate, "%Y-%m-%d"), datetime.strftime(, "%Y-%m-%d")) super(DirTrips, self).download() @managedparsing def parse(self, doc): # FIXME: need some way of telling intermediate_path that # suffix should be .txt (preferably w/o overriding # DocumentStore) intermediate_path =, 'intermediate', '.txt') downloaded_path = if not util.outfile_is_newer([downloaded_path], intermediate_path): html =, encoding="iso-8859-1").read() util.writefile(intermediate_path, util.extract_text( html, '<pre>', '</pre>'), encoding="utf-8") reader = TextReader(intermediate_path, encoding="utf-8") header_chunk = reader.readparagraph() self.make_meta(header_chunk, doc.meta, doc.uri, doc.basefile) self.make_body(reader, doc.body) # Iterate through body tree and find things to link to (See # EurlexTreaties.process_body for inspiration) self.process_body(doc.body, '', doc.uri) return doc def header_lines(self, header_chunk): n = util.normalize_space # This is a ridiculously complicated way of extracting # key-value headers when both keys and headers may be # continuated. The below, which relies on HTML tags enclosing # the value, is much simpler. # # header = re.compile("([^:]+):\s*<b>([^<]*)</b>") # for m in header.finditer(header_chunk): # yield [util.normalize_space(x) for x in m.groups()] ck = cv = "" for line in header_chunk.split("\n"): if ": " in line: # yield buffer if ck.strip() and cv.strip(): yield(n(ck), n(cv)) ck = "" k, cv = line.split(":", 1) if ck.strip(): ck += k else: ck = k else: if line.startswith(" "): cv += line else: if ck.strip() and cv.strip(): yield(n(ck), n(cv)) ck = line cv = "" yield(n(ck),n(cv)) def make_meta(self, chunk, meta, uri, basefile): d = Describer(meta, uri) dcterms = self.ns['dcterms'] prov = self.ns['prov'] owl = self.ns['owl'] rpubl = RPUBL d.rdftype(self.rdf_type) d.value(prov.wasGeneratedBy, self.qualified_class_name()) # predicates maps key strings to corresponsing RDFLib terms, # e.g. "Rubrik" -> dcterms:title predicates = {'Dir nr': dcterms.identifier, 'Departement': rpubl.departement, 'Beslut vid regeringssammanträde': rpubl.beslutsdatum, 'Rubrik': dcterms.title, 'Senast ändrad': dcterms.changed } # munger contains a set of tuples where the first item is a # method for converting a plain text into the appropriate # RDFLib value, e.g: # - "Utredning av foo" => Literal("Utredning av foo",lang="sv") # - "1987-02-19" => datetime(1987,2,19) # - "Arbetsdepartementet" => URIRef("") # The second item is the Describer method that # should be used to add the value to the graph, i.e. .value # for Literals and .rel for URIRefs munger = {'Dir nr': (self.sanitize_identifier, d.value), # the RDFLib constructor 'Departement': (functools.partial(self.lookup_resource, warn=False), d.rel), 'Beslut vid regeringssammanträde': (self.parse_iso_date, d.value), 'Rubrik': (self.sanitize_rubrik, d.value), 'Senast ändrad': (self.parse_iso_date, d.value) } for (key, val) in self.header_lines(chunk): try: pred = predicates[key] (transformer, setter) = munger[key] setter(pred, transformer(val)) except (KeyError, ValueError): self.log.error( "Couldn't munge value '%s' into a proper object for predicate '%s'" % (val, key)) d.rel(dcterms.publisher, self.lookup_resource("Regeringskansliet")) d.rel(owl.sameAs, self.sameas_uri(uri)) self.infer_triples(d, basefile) # finally, we need a dcterms:issued, and the best we can come up # with is the "Beslut vid regeringssammanträde" date # (rpubl:beslutsdatum), so we copy it. d.value(dcterms.issued, d.getvalue(rpubl.beslutsdatum)) def sanitize_rubrik(self, rubrik): if rubrik == "Utgår": raise DocumentRemovedError() rubrik = re.sub("^/r2/ ", "", rubrik) return Literal(rubrik, lang="sv") def sanitize_identifier(self, identifier): # "Dir.1994:111" -> "Dir. 1994:111" if re.match("Dir.\d+", identifier): identifier = "Dir. " + identifier[4:] if not identifier.startswith("Dir. "): identifier = "Dir. " + identifier return Literal(identifier) def make_body(self, reader, body): current_type = None for p in reader.getiterator(reader.readparagraph): new_type = self.guess_type(p, current_type) # if not new_type == None: # print "Guessed %s for %r" % (new_type.__name__,p[:20]) if new_type is None: pass elif new_type == Continuation and len(body) > 0: # Don't create a new text node, add this text to the last # text node created para = body.pop() para.append(p) body.append(para) else: if new_type == Continuation: new_type = Paragraph body.append(new_type([p])) current_type = new_type def guess_type(self, p, current_type): if not p: # empty string return None # complex heading detection heuristics: Starts with a capital # or a number, and doesn't end with a period (except in some # cases). elif ((re.match("^\d+", p) or p[0].lower() != p[0]) and not (p.endswith(".") and not (p.endswith("m.m.") or p.endswith("m. m.") or p.endswith("m.fl.") or p.endswith("m. fl.")))): return Heading elif p.startswith("--"): return ListItem elif (p[0].upper() != p[0]): return Continuation # magic value, used to glue together # paragraphs that have been # inadvertently divided. else: return Paragraph def process_body(self, element, prefix, baseuri): if isinstance(element, str): return fragment = prefix uri = baseuri for p in element: self.process_body(p, fragment, baseuri) def canonical_uri(self, basefile): return self.config.url + "res/dir/" + basefile @classmethod def tabs(cls, primary=False): return [['Förarbeten', '/forarb/']]
[docs]class DirAsp(SwedishLegalSource, PDFDocumentRepository): """Downloads Direktiv in PDF format from""" alias = "dirasp" start_url = "" document_url = "" source_encoding = "iso-8859-1" rdf_type = RPUBL.Direktiv def download(self): resp = requests.get(self.start_url) soup = BeautifulSoup(resp.text) depts = [opt['value'] for opt in soup.find_all("option", value=True)] for basefile, url in self.download_get_basefiles(depts): # since the server doesn't support conditional caching and # direktivs are basically never updated once published, we # avoid even calling download_single if we already have # the doc. if ((not self.config.refresh) and (not os.path.exists( self.download_single(basefile, url) @downloadmax def download_get_basefiles(self, depts): for dept in depts: resp =, 'sql_search_rsp.asp'), {'departement': dept.encode('latin-1'), 'kom_nr': '', 'title': '', 'ACTION': ' SÖK '.encode('latin-1')}) soup = BeautifulSoup(resp.text) hits = list(soup.find_all(True, text=re.compile(r'(\d{4}:\d+)')))"Searching for dept %s, %d results" % (dept, len(hits))) for hit in hits: link = hit.find_parent("a") # convert 2006:02 to 2006:2 for consistency segments ="(\d+):(\d+)", link.text).groups() basefile = ":".join([str(int(x)) for x in segments]) # we use link.absolute_url rather than relying on our # own basefile -> url code in remote_url. It seems # that in least one case the URL formatting rule is # not followed by the system... yield basefile, urljoin(self.start_url, link['href']) def remote_url(self, basefile): yy = int(basefile[2:4]) num = int(basefile[5:]) return self.document_url % {'yy': yy, 'num': num} def canonical_uri(self, basefile): return self.config.url + "res/dir/" + basefile def parse_from_pdfreader(self, pdfreader, doc): super(DirAsp, self).parse_from_pdfreader(pdfreader, doc) d = Describer(doc.meta, doc.uri) self.infer_triples(d, doc.basefile) return doc @classmethod def tabs(cls, primary=False): return [['Förarbeten', '/forarb/']]
[docs]class DirRegeringen(Regeringen): """Downloads Direktiv in PDF format from""" alias = "dirregeringen" cssfiles = ['../ferenda/res/css/pdfview.css'] jsfiles = ['../ferenda/res/js/pdfviewer.js'] re_basefile_strict = re.compile(r'Dir\. (\d{4}:\d+)') re_basefile_lax = re.compile(r'(?:[Dd]ir\.?|) ?(\d{4}:\d+)') rdf_type = RPUBL.Direktiv document_type = Regeringen.KOMMITTEDIREKTIV def sanitize_identifier(self, identifier): # "Dir.1994:111" -> "Dir. 1994:111" if re.match("Dir.\d+", identifier): identifier = "Dir. " + identifier[4:] if not identifier.startswith("Dir. "): identifier = "Dir. " + identifier return Literal(identifier) # inherit list_basefiles_for from CompositeStore, basefile_to_pathfrag # from SwedishLegalStore)
class DirektivStore(CompositeStore, SwedishLegalStore): pass # Does parsing, generating etc from base files: class Direktiv(CompositeRepository, SwedishLegalSource): "A composite repository containing ``DirTrips``, ``DirAsp`` and ``DirRegeringen``.""" subrepos = DirRegeringen, DirAsp, DirTrips alias = "dir" xslt_template = "paged.xsl" xslt_template_toc = "toc.xsl" storage_policy = "dir" rdf_type = RPUBL.Direktiv documentstore_class = DirektivStore @classmethod def tabs(cls, primary=False): return [['Förarbeten', '/forarb/']]