Source code for ferenda.fulltextindex

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import json
import math
import re
import shutil
import itertools
from datetime import date, datetime, MAXYEAR, MINYEAR

import six
from six.moves.urllib_parse import quote
import requests
import requests.exceptions
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

from ferenda import util, errors

class FulltextIndex(object):
    """This is the abstract base class for a fulltext index. You use it by
       calling the static method FulltextIndex.connect, passing a
       string representing the underlying fulltext engine you wish to
       use. It returns a subclass on which you then call further

    def connect(indextype, location, repos):
        """Open a fulltext index (creating it if it doesn't already exists).

        :param location: Type of fulltext index ("WHOOSH" or "ELASTICSEARCH")
        :type  location: str
        :param location: The file path of the fulltext index.
        :type  location: str

        # create correct subclass and return it
        return {'WHOOSH': WhooshIndex,
                'ELASTICSEARCH': ElasticSearchIndex}[indextype](location, repos)

    def __init__(self, location, repos):
        self.location = location
        if self.exists():
            self.index =
            assert repos, "Attempt to create a fulltext index, but no repos were provided, index schema would be empty"
            self.index = self.create(repos)

    def __del__(self):

    def make_schema(self, repos):
        s = self.get_default_schema()
        for repo in repos:
            g = repo.make_graph() # for qname lookup
            for facet in repo.facets():
                if facet.dimension_label:
                    fld = facet.dimension_label
                    fld = g.qname(facet.rdftype).replace(":", "_")
                idxtype = facet.indexingtype
                if fld in s:
                    # multiple repos can provide the same indexed
                    # properties ONLY if the indextype match
                    if s[fld] != idxtype:
                        raise errors.SchemaConflictError("Repo %s wanted to add a field named %s, but it was already present with a different IndexType" % (repo, fld))
                    s[fld] = idxtype
        return s

    def get_default_schema(self):
        return {'uri': Identifier(),
                'repo': Label(),
                # 'rdftype': Label(),
                'basefile': Label(),
                # 'title': Text(boost=4),
                # 'identifier': Label(boost=16),
                'text': Text()

    def exists(self):
        """Whether the fulltext index exists."""
        raise NotImplementedError  # pragma: no cover

    def create(self, repos):
        """Creates a fulltext index using the provided schema."""
        raise NotImplementedError  # pragma: no cover

    def destroy(self):
        """Destroys the index, if created."""
        raise NotImplementedError  # pragma: no cover

    def open(self):
        """Opens the index so that it can be queried."""
        raise NotImplementedError  # pragma: no cover

    def schema(self):
        """Returns the schema that actually is in use. A schema is a dict
           where the keys are field names and the values are any
           subclass of
        raise NotImplementedError  # pragma: no cover

    def update(self, uri, repo, basefile, text, **kwargs):
        """Insert (or update) a resource in the fulltext index. A resource may
        be an entire document, but it can also be any part of a
        document that is referenceable (i.e. a document node that has
        ``@typeof`` and ``@about`` attributes). A document with 100
        sections can be stored as 100 independent resources, as long
        as each section has a unique key in the form of a URI.

        :param uri: URI for the resource
        :type  uri: str
        :param repo: The alias for the document repository that the resource is part of
        :type  repo: str
        :param basefile: The basefile which contains resource
        :type  basefile: str
        :param title: User-displayable title of resource (if applicable).
                      Should not contain the same information as
        :type  title: str
        :param identifier: User-displayable short identifier for resource (if applicable)
        :type  identifier: str
        :type  text: The full textual content of the resource, as a plain string.
        :type  text: str

        .. note::

           Calling this method may not directly update the fulltext
           index -- you need to call
           :meth:`~ferenda.FulltextIndex.commit` or
           :meth:`~ferenda.FulltextIndex.close` for that.

        raise NotImplementedError  # pragma: no cover

    def commit(self):
        """Commit all pending updates to the fulltext index."""
        raise NotImplementedError  # pragma: no cover

    def close(self):
        """Commits all pending updates and closes the index."""
        raise NotImplementedError  # pragma: no cover

    def doccount(self):
        """Returns the number of currently indexed (non-deleted) documents."""
        raise NotImplementedError  # pragma: no cover

    def query(self, q=None, pagenum=1, pagelen=10, **kwargs):
        """Perform a free text query against the full text index, optionally
           restricted with parameters for individual fields.

        :param q: Free text query, using the selected full text index's
                  prefered query syntax
        :type  q: str
        :param \*\*kwargs: any parameter will be used to match a
                         similarly-named field
        :type \*\*kwargs: dict
        :returns: matching documents, each document as a dict of fields
        :rtype: list

        .. note::

           The *kwargs* parameters do not yet do anything -- only
           simple full text queries are possible.

        raise NotImplementedError  # pragma: no cover

    # subclasses can override fieldmapping, and have
    # to_native_field/from_native_field work on their overridden
    # fieldmapping

    fieldmapping = ()
    """A tuple of ``(abstractfield, nativefield)`` tuples. Each
    ``abstractfield`` should be a instance of a IndexedType-derived
    class. Each ``nativefield`` should be whatever kind of object that
    is used with the native fullltextindex API.

    The methods :py:meth:`to_native_field` and
    :py:meth:`from_native_field` uses this tuple of tuples to convert


    def to_native_field(self, fieldobject):
        """Given a abstract field (an instance of a IndexedType-derived
        class), convert to the corresponding native type for the
        fulltextindex in use.
        for abstractfield, nativefield in self.fieldmapping:
            if fieldobject == abstractfield:
                return nativefield
        raise errors.SchemaMappingError("Field %s cannot be mapped to a native field" % fieldobject)

    def from_native_field(self, fieldobject):
        """Given a fulltextindex native type, convert to the corresponding
        IndexedType object."""
        for abstractfield, nativefield in self.fieldmapping:
            # whoosh field objects do not implement __eq__ sanely --
            # whoosh.fields.ID() == whoosh.fields.DATETIME() is true
            # -- so we do an extra check on the type as well.
            if (type(fieldobject) == type(nativefield) and
                fieldobject == nativefield):
                return abstractfield
        raise errors.SchemaMappingError("Native field %s cannot be mapped" % fieldobject)

[docs]class IndexedType(object): """Base class for a fulltext searchengine-independent representation of indexed data. By using IndexType-derived classes to represent the schema, it becomes possible to switch out search engines without affecting the rest of the code. """ def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __hash__(self): return hash(tuple(v for k, v in sorted(self.__dict__.items()))) def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.__dict__ = dict(kwargs) def __repr__(self): # eg '<Label boost=16>' or '<Identifier>' dictrepr = "".join((" %s=%s" % (k, v) for k, v in sorted(self.__dict__.items()))) return ("<%s%s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, dictrepr))
[docs]class Identifier(IndexedType): """An identifier is a string, normally in the form of a URI, which uniquely identifies an indexed document.""" pass
[docs]class Datetime(IndexedType): pass
[docs]class Text(IndexedType): pass
[docs]class Label(IndexedType): pass
[docs]class Keyword(IndexedType): """A keyword is a single string from a controlled vocabulary.""" pass
[docs]class Boolean(IndexedType): pass
[docs]class URI(IndexedType): """Any URI (except the URI that identifies a indexed document -- use Identifier for that).""" pass
[docs]class Resource(IndexedType): """A fulltextindex.Resource is a URI that also has a human-readable label. """ # eg. a particular object/subject with it's own rdfs:label, # foaf:name, skos:prefLabel etc
[docs]class SearchModifier(object): def __init__(self, *values): self.values = values
[docs]class Less(SearchModifier): def __init__(self, max): super(Less, self).__init__(*[max]) self.max = max
[docs]class More(SearchModifier): def __init__(self, min): super(More, self).__init__(*[min]) self.min = min
[docs]class Between(SearchModifier): def __init__(self, min, max): super(Between, self).__init__(*[min, max]) self.min = min self.max = max
import whoosh.index import whoosh.fields import whoosh.analysis import whoosh.query import whoosh.qparser import whoosh.writing import whoosh.highlight from ferenda.elements import html class ElementsFormatter(whoosh.highlight.Formatter): """Returns a tree of ferenda.elements representing the formatted hit.""" def __init__(self, wrapelement=html.P, hitelement=html.Strong, classname="match", between=" ... "): self.wrapelement = wrapelement self.hitelement = hitelement self.classname = classname self.between = between def format(self, fragments, replace=False): res = self.wrapelement() first = True for fragment in fragments: if not first: res.append(self.between) res.extend(self.format_fragment(fragment, replace=replace)) first = False return res re_collapse = re.compile("\s+").sub def format_fragment(self, fragment, replace): output = [] index = fragment.startchar text = fragment.text for t in fragment.matches: if t.startchar > index: output.append(self.re_collapse(" ", text[index:t.startchar])) hittext = whoosh.highlight.get_text(text, t, False) output.append(self.hitelement([hittext], **{'class': self.classname})) index = t.endchar if index < len(text): output.append(self.re_collapse(" ", text[index:fragment.endchar])) return output class WhooshIndex(FulltextIndex): fieldmapping = ((Identifier(), whoosh.fields.ID(unique=True, stored=True)), (Label(), whoosh.fields.ID(stored=True)), (Label(boost=16), whoosh.fields.ID(field_boost=16, stored=True)), (Text(boost=4), whoosh.fields.TEXT(field_boost=4, stored=True, analyzer=whoosh.analysis.StemmingAnalyzer( ))), (Text(boost=2), whoosh.fields.TEXT(field_boost=2, stored=True, analyzer=whoosh.analysis.StemmingAnalyzer( ))), (Text(), whoosh.fields.TEXT(stored=True, analyzer=whoosh.analysis.StemmingAnalyzer())), (Datetime(), whoosh.fields.DATETIME(stored=True)), (Boolean(), whoosh.fields.BOOLEAN(stored=True)), (URI(), whoosh.fields.ID(stored=True, field_boost=1.1)), (Keyword(), whoosh.fields.KEYWORD(stored=True)), (Resource(), whoosh.fields.IDLIST(stored=True)), ) def __init__(self, location, repos): self._writer = None super(WhooshIndex, self).__init__(location, repos) self._multiple = {} # Initialize self._multiple so that we know which fields may # contain multiple values. FIXME: v. similar to the code in # make_schema for repo in repos: g = repo.make_graph() # for qname lookup for facet in repo.facets(): if facet.dimension_label: fld = facet.dimension_label else: fld = g.qname(facet.rdftype).replace(":", "_") self._multiple[fld] = facet.multiple_values def exists(self): return whoosh.index.exists_in(self.location) def open(self): return whoosh.index.open_dir(self.location) def create(self, repos): schema = self.make_schema(repos) whoosh_fields = {} for key, fieldtype in schema.items(): whoosh_fields[key] = self.to_native_field(fieldtype) schema = whoosh.fields.Schema(**whoosh_fields) util.mkdir(self.location) return whoosh.index.create_in(self.location, schema) def destroy(self): shutil.rmtree(self.location) def schema(self): used_schema = {} for fieldname, field_object in self.index.schema.items(): used_schema[fieldname] = self.from_native_field(field_object) return used_schema def update(self, uri, repo, basefile, text, **kwargs): if not self._writer: self._writer = self.index.writer() s = self.schema() for key in kwargs: # special-handling of the Resource type -- this is provided as # a dict with 'iri' and 'label' keys, and we flatten it to a # 2-element list (stored in an IDLIST) if isinstance(s[key], Resource): # might be multiple values, in which case we create a # n-element list, still stored as IDLIST if isinstance(kwargs[key], list): # or if self._multiple[key]: kwargs[key] = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable([(x['iri'], x['label'])for x in kwargs[key]])) else: kwargs[key] = [kwargs[key]['iri'], kwargs[key]['label']] elif isinstance(s[key], Datetime): if (isinstance(kwargs[key], date) and not isinstance(kwargs[key], datetime)): # convert date to datetime kwargs[key] = datetime(kwargs[key].year, kwargs[key].month, kwargs[key].day) self._writer.update_document(uri=uri, repo=repo, basefile=basefile, text=text, **kwargs) def commit(self): if self._writer: self._writer.commit() if not isinstance(self._writer, whoosh.writing.BufferedWriter): # A bufferedWriter can be used again after commit(), a regular writer cannot self._writer = None def close(self): self.commit() self.index.close() def doccount(self): return self.index.doc_count() def query(self, q=None, pagenum=1, pagelen=10, **kwargs): # 1: Filter on all specified fields (exact or by using ranges) filter = [] for k, v in kwargs.items(): if isinstance(v, SearchModifier): # Create a Range query if isinstance(v.values[0], datetime): cls = whoosh.query.DateRange max = datetime(MAXYEAR, 12, 31) min = datetime(MINYEAR, 1, 1) else: cls = whoosh.query.NumericRange max = datetime(2**31) min = datetime(0) if isinstance(v, Less): start = min end = v.max elif isinstance(v, More): start = v.min end = max elif isinstance(v, Between): start = v.min end = v.max filter.append(cls(k, start, end)) elif isinstance(v, str) and "*" in v: filter.append(whoosh.query.Wildcard(k, v)) else: # exact field match # # Things to handle: Keyword, Boolean, Resource (must # be able to match on iri only) filter.append(whoosh.query.Term(k, v)) # 3: If freetext param given, query on that freetext = None if q or not kwargs: if not q: q = "*" searchfields = [] for fldname, fldtype in self.index.schema.items(): if isinstance(fldtype, whoosh.fields.TEXT): searchfields.append(fldname) mparser = whoosh.qparser.MultifieldParser(searchfields, self.index.schema) freetext = mparser.parse(q) if filter: if freetext: filter.append(freetext) query = whoosh.query.And(filter) elif freetext: query = freetext else: raise ValueError("Neither q or kwargs specified") with self.index.searcher() as searcher: page = searcher.search_page(query, pagenum, pagelen) res = self._convert_result(page) pager = {'pagenum': pagenum, 'pagecount': page.pagecount, 'firstresult': page.offset + 1, 'lastresult': page.offset + page.pagelen, 'totalresults':} return res, pager def _convert_result(self, res): # converts a whoosh.searching.ResultsPage object to a plain # list of dicts l = [] hl = whoosh.highlight.Highlighter(formatter=ElementsFormatter()) resourcefields = [] for key, fldobj in self.schema().items(): if isinstance(fldobj, Resource): resourcefields.append(key) for hit in res: fields = hit.fields() highlighted = hl.highlight_hit(hit, "text", fields['text']) if highlighted: fields['text'] = highlighted else: del fields['text'] # de-marschal Resource objects from list to dict for key in resourcefields: if key in fields: # need to return a list of dicts if # multiple_values was specified, and a simple dict # otherwise... (note that just examining if # len(fields[key]) == 2 isn't enough) if self._multiple[key]: fields[key] = [{'iri': x[0], 'label': x[1]} for x in zip(fields[key][0::2], fields[key][1::2])] else: fields[key] = {'iri': fields[key][0], 'label': fields[key][1]} l.append(fields) return l # Base class for a HTTP-based API (eg. ElasticSearch) the base class # delegate the formulation of queries, updates etc to concrete # subclasses, expected to return a formattted query/payload etc, and # be able to decode responses to queries, but the base class handles # the actual HTTP call, inc error handling. class RemoteIndex(FulltextIndex): # The only real implementation of RemoteIndex has its own exists # implementation, no need for a general fallback impl. # def exists(self): # pass def create(self, repos): relurl, payload = self._create_schema_payload(repos) # print("\ncreate: PUT %s\n%s\n" % (self.location + relurl, payload)) res = requests.put(self.location + relurl, payload) try: res.raise_for_status() except Exception as e: raise Exception("%s: %s" % (res.status_code, res.text)) def schema(self): relurl, payload = self._get_schema_payload() res = requests.get(self.location + relurl) # payload is # probably never # used # print("GET %s" % relurl) # print(json.dumps(res.json(), indent=4)) return self._decode_schema(res) def update(self, uri, repo, basefile, text, **kwargs): relurl, payload = self._update_payload( uri, repo, basefile, text, **kwargs) # print("update: PUT %s\n%s\n" % (self.location + relurl, payload)) res = requests.put(self.location + relurl, payload) try: res.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: raise errors.IndexingError(str(e) + ": '%s'" % res.text) def doccount(self): relurl, payload = self._count_payload() if payload: res = + relurl, payload) else: res = requests.get(self.location + relurl) return self._decode_count_result(res) def query(self, q=None, pagenum=1, pagelen=10, **kwargs): relurl, payload = self._query_payload(q, pagenum, pagelen, **kwargs) if payload: # print("query: POST %s:\n%s" % (self.location + relurl, payload)) res = + relurl, payload) # print("Recieved:\n%s" % (json.dumps(res.json(),indent=4))) else: res = requests.get(self.location + relurl) try: res.raise_for_status() except Exception as e: raise errors.SearchingError("%s: %s" % (res.status_code, res.text)) return self._decode_query_result(res, pagenum, pagelen) def destroy(self): reluri, payload = self._destroy_payload() res = requests.delete(self.location + reluri) # these don't make no sense for a remote index accessed via HTTP/REST def open(self): pass def commit(self): pass def close(self): pass class ElasticSearchIndex(RemoteIndex): # maps our field classes to concrete ES field properties fieldmapping = ((Identifier(), {"type": "string", "index": "not_analyzed", "store": True}), # uri (Label(), {"type": "string", "index": "not_analyzed", }), # repo, basefile (Label(boost=16), {"type": "string", "boost": 16.0, "index": "not_analyzed", "norms": {"enabled": True}}),# identifier (Text(boost=4), {"type": "string", "boost": 4.0, "index": "not_analyzed", "norms": {"enabled": True}}), # title (Text(boost=2), {"type": "string", "boost": 2.0, "index": "not_analyzed", "norms": {"enabled": True}}), # abstract (Text(), {"type": "string", "analyzer": "my_analyzer"}), # text (Datetime(), {"type": "date", "format": "dateOptionalTime"}), (Boolean(), {"type": "boolean"}), (Resource(), {"properties": {"iri": {"type": "string", "index": "not_analyzed"}, "label": {"type": "string", "index": "not_analyzed"}}}), (Keyword(), {"type": "string", "index_name": "keyword"}), (URI(), {"type": "string", "index": "not_analyzed", "boost": 1.1, "norms": {"enabled": True}}), ) def commit(self): r = + "_refresh") r.raise_for_status() def exists(self): r = requests.get(self.location + "_mapping/") if r.status_code == 404: return False else: return True def _update_payload(self, uri, repo, basefile, text, **kwargs): safe = '' if six.PY2: # urllib.quote in python 2.6 cannot handle unicode values # for the safe parameter (not even empty). urllib.quote in # python 2.7 handles it, but may fail later on. FIXME: We # should create a shim as ferenda.compat.quote and use # that safe = safe.encode('ascii') # pragma: no cover # quote (in python 2) only handles characters from 0x0 - 0xFF, # and basefile might contain characters outside of that (eg # u'MO\u0308D/P11463-12', which is MÖD/P11463-12 on a system # which uses unicode normalization form NFD). To be safe, # encodethe string to utf-8 beforehand (Which is what quote on # python 3 does anyways) relurl = "%s/%s" % (repo, quote(basefile.encode("utf-8"), safe=safe)) # eg type, id if "#" in uri: relurl += uri.split("#", 1)[1] payload = {"uri": uri, "basefile": basefile, "text": text} payload.update(kwargs) return relurl, json.dumps(payload, default=util.json_default_date, indent=4) def _query_payload(self, q, pagenum=1, pagelen=10, **kwargs): relurl = "_search?from=%s&size=%s" % ((pagenum - 1) * pagelen, pagelen) # 1: Filter on all specified fields filterterms = {} filterregexps = {} schema = self.schema() for k, v in kwargs.items(): if isinstance(v, SearchModifier): continue if k == "repo": k = "_type" elif isinstance(schema[k], Resource): # also map k to "%s.iri" % k if k is Resource k += ".iri" if isinstance(v, str) and "*" in v: # if v contains "*", make it a {'regexp': '.*/foo'} instead of a {'term'} # also transform * to .* filterregexps[k] = v.replace("*", ".*") else: filterterms[k] = v # 2: Create filterranges if SearchModifier objects are used filterranges = {} for k, v in kwargs.items(): if not isinstance(v, SearchModifier): continue if isinstance(v, Less): filterranges[k] = {"lt": v.max} elif isinstance(v, More): filterranges[k] = {"gt": v.min} elif isinstance(v, Between): filterranges[k] = {"lt": v.max, "gt": v.min} # 3: If freetext param given, search on that match = {} if q: # NOTE: match['_all'] = q if filterterms or filterregexps or filterranges: query = {"filtered": {"filter": {} } } if filterterms: if len(filterterms) > 1: ts = [{"term": {k: v}} for (k, v) in filterterms.items()] query["filtered"]["filter"]["bool"] = {"must": ts} else: query["filtered"]["filter"]["term"] = filterterms if filterregexps: query["filtered"]["filter"]["regexp"] = filterregexps if filterranges: query["filtered"]["filter"]["range"] = filterranges if match: query["filtered"]["query"] = {"match": match} else: if match: query = {"match": match} else: query = {"match_all": match} payload = {'query': query} if q: payload['highlight'] = {'fields': {'text': {}}, 'pre_tags': ["<strong class='match'>"], 'post_tags': ["</strong>"], 'fragment_size': '40'} # Don't include the full text of every document in every hit payload['_source'] = {'exclude': ['text']} return relurl, json.dumps(payload, indent=4, default=util.json_default_date) def _decode_query_result(self, response, pagenum, pagelen): def date_hook(d): # attempt to decode (a subset of) isoformatted datetimes # ("2013-02-14T14:06:00"). Note that this will incorrectly # decode anything that looks like a ISO date, even though # it might be typed as a string. We have no typing # information (at this stage -- we could look at # self.schema() though) for (key, value) in d.items(): #if isinstance(value, str) and len(value) != 19: # return d try: d[key] = datetime.strptime(value, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") except: pass return d jsonresp = json.loads(response.text, object_hook=date_hook) res = [] for hit in jsonresp['hits']['hits']: h = hit['_source'] h['repo'] = hit['_type'] if 'highlight' in hit: # wrap highlighted field in P, convert to # elements. FIXME: should work for other fields than # 'text' hltext = " ... ".join([x.strip() for x in hit['highlight']['text']]) soup = BeautifulSoup("<p>%s</p>" % re.sub("\s+", " ", hltext)) h['text'] = html.elements_from_soup(soup.html.body.p) res.append(h) pager = {'pagenum': pagenum, 'pagecount': int(math.ceil(jsonresp['hits']['total'] / float(pagelen))), 'firstresult': (pagenum - 1) * pagelen + 1, 'lastresult': (pagenum - 1) * pagelen + len(jsonresp['hits']['hits']), 'totalresults': jsonresp['hits']['total']} return res, pager def _count_payload(self): return "_count", None def _decode_count_result(self, response): if response.status_code == 404: return 0 else: return response.json()['count'] def _get_schema_payload(self): return "_mapping", None def _decode_schema(self, response): indexname = self.location.split("/")[-2] mappings = response.json()[indexname]["mappings"] schema = {} # flatten the existing types (pay no mind to duplicate fields): for typename, mapping in mappings.items(): for fieldname, fieldobject in mapping["properties"].items(): try: schema[fieldname] = self.from_native_field(fieldobject) except errors.SchemaMappingError as e: raise errors.SchemaMappingError("%s: %s" % (fieldname, str(e))) schema["repo"] = self.get_default_schema()['repo'] return schema def _create_schema_payload(self, repos): payload = { # cargo cult configuration "settings": {"number_of_shards": 1, "analysis": { "analyzer": { "my_analyzer": { "filter": ["lowercase", "snowball"], "tokenizer": "standard", "type": "custom" } }, "filter": { "snowball": { "type": "snowball", "language": "English" } } } }, "mappings": {} } for repo in repos: g = repo.make_graph() # for qname lookup es_fields = {} schema = self.get_default_schema() for facet in repo.facets(): if facet.dimension_label: fld = facet.dimension_label else: fld = g.qname(facet.rdftype).replace(":", "_") idxtype = facet.indexingtype schema[fld] = idxtype for key, fieldtype in schema.items(): if key == "repo": continue # not really needed for ES, as type == repo.alias es_fields[key] = self.to_native_field(fieldtype) # _source enabled so we can get the text back payload["mappings"][repo.alias] = {"_source": {"enabled": True}, "_all": {"analyzer": "my_analyzer"}, "properties": es_fields} return "", json.dumps(payload, indent=4) def _destroy_payload(self): return "", None