Source code for ferenda.testutil

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""":py:mod:`unittest`-based classes and accompanying functions to
create some types of ferenda-specific tests easier."""
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os
import sys
import tempfile
import shutil
import time
import json
import codecs
import collections
import filecmp
import unicodedata
import re
from io import BytesIO
from difflib import unified_diff
from datetime import datetime
from ferenda.compat import unittest
from ferenda.compat import Mock, patch

import six
from six import text_type as str
from six import binary_type as bytes

import rdflib
from import graph_diff
from rdflib.util import guess_format
from lxml import etree

from ferenda import DocumentRepository, TextReader
from ferenda import elements, util

[docs]class FerendaTestCase(object): """Convenience class with extra AssertEqual methods. Note that even though this method provides :py:class:`unittest.TestCase`-like assert methods, it does not derive from :py:class:`~unittest.TestCase`. When creating a test case that makes use of these methods, you need to inherit from both :py:class:`~unittest.TestCase` and this class, ie:: class MyTestcase(unittest.TestCase, ferenda.testutil.FerendaTestCase): def test_simple(self): self.assertEqualXML("<foo arg1='x' arg2='y'/>", "<foo arg2='y' arg1='x'/>") """ # FIXME: Some of these should (at least optionally) be registered # with TestCase.assertEqual through .addTypeEqualityFunc, but some # (eg. assertEqualDirs) have non-unique types
[docs] def assertEqualGraphs(self, want, got, exact=True): """Assert that two RDF graphs are identical (isomorphic). :param want: The graph as expected, as an :py:class:`~rdflib.graph.Graph` object or the filename of a serialized graph :param got: The actual graph, as an :py:class:`~rdflib.graph.Graph` object or the filename of a serialized graph :param exact: Whether to require that the graphs are exactly alike (True) or only if all triples in want exists in got (False) :type exact: bool """ def _loadgraph(filename): g = rdflib.Graph() # we must read the data ourself, providing a non-ascii # filename to Graph.parse fails deep in rdflib internals format=guess_format(filename) if format == "nt": data = util.readfile(filename, "r", encoding="utf-8") else: data = util.readfile(filename, "rb") g.parse(data=data, format=format) return g if not isinstance(want, rdflib.Graph): want = _loadgraph(want) if not isinstance(got, rdflib.Graph): got = _loadgraph(got) (in_both, in_first, in_second) = graph_diff(want, got) msg = "" if in_first: for (s, p, o) in sorted(in_first, key=lambda t: (t[0], t[1], t[2])): msg += "- %s %s %s\n" % (s.n3(), p.n3(), o.n3()) if (exact and in_second) or in_first: for (s, p, o) in sorted(in_second, key=lambda t: (t[0], t[1], t[2])): msg += "+ %s %s %s\n" % (s.n3(), p.n3(), o.n3()) if ((len(in_first) > 0) or (len(in_second) > 0 and exact)): if len(in_first) > 0: msg = "%s expected triples were not found\n" % len(in_first) + msg if len(in_second) > 0: msg = "%s unexpected triples were found\n" % len(in_second) + msg msg = "%r != %r\n" % (want, got) + msg return
[docs] def assertAlmostEqualDatetime(self, datetime1, datetime2, delta=1): """Assert that two datetime objects are reasonably equal. :param datetime1: The first datetime to compare :type datetime1: datetime :param datetime2: The second datetime to compare :type datetime2: datetime :param delta: How much the datetimes are allowed to differ, in seconds. :type delta: int """ # if the datetimes differ with max 1 second, they're almost # equal) time1 = time.mktime(datetime1.timetuple()) time2 = time.mktime(datetime2.timetuple()) absdiff = abs(time1 - time2) self.assertLessEqual(absdiff, delta, "Difference between %s and %s " "is %s seconds which is NOT almost equal" % (datetime1.isoformat(), datetime2.isoformat(), absdiff))
[docs] def assertEqualXML(self, want, got, namespace_aware=True): """Assert that two xml trees are canonically identical. :param want: The XML document as expected, as a string, byte string or ElementTree element :param got: The actual XML document, as a string, byte string or ElementTree element """ # Adapted from formencode, def xml_compare(want, got, reporter): if namespace_aware: wanttag = want.tag gottag = got.tag else: wanttag = want.tag.rsplit("}")[-1] gottag = got.tag.rsplit("}")[-1] if wanttag != gottag: reporter("Tags do not match: 'want': %s, 'got': %s" % (wanttag, gottag)) return False for name, value in want.attrib.items(): if got.attrib.get(name) != value: reporter("Attributes do not match: 'want': %s=%r, 'got': %s=%r" % (name, value, name, got.attrib.get(name))) return False for name in got.attrib.keys(): if name not in want.attrib: reporter("'got' has an attribute 'want' is missing: %s" % name) return False if not text_compare(want.text, got.text): reporter("text: 'want': %r, 'got': %r" % (want.text, got.text)) return False if not text_compare(want.tail, got.tail): reporter("tail: 'want': %r != 'got': %r" % (want.tail, got.tail)) return False cl1 = want.getchildren() cl2 = got.getchildren() if len(cl1) != len(cl2): reporter("children length differs, 'want': %i, 'got': %i" % (len(cl1), len(cl2))) return False i = 0 for c1, c2 in zip(cl1, cl2): i += 1 if not xml_compare(c1, c2, reporter=reporter): reporter('children %i do not match: %s' % (i, c1.tag)) return False return True def text_compare(want, got): if not want and not got: return True return (want or '').strip() == (got or '').strip() def treeify(something): if isinstance(something, str): fp = BytesIO(something.encode('utf-8')) # return etree.fromstring(something) return etree.parse(fp) elif isinstance(something, bytes): fp = BytesIO(something) # return etree.parse(fp).getroot() return etree.parse(fp) elif isinstance(want, etree._Element): return etree.ElementTree(something) else: raise ValueError("Can't convert a %s into an ElementTree" % type(something)) def c14nize(tree): tmp = BytesIO() tree.write_c14n(tmp) return tmp.getvalue().decode('utf-8') errors = [] want_tree = treeify(want) got_tree = treeify(got) xml_compare(want_tree.getroot(), got_tree.getroot(), errors.append) if errors: want_lines = [x + "\n" for x in c14nize(want_tree).split("\n")] got_lines = [x + "\n" for x in c14nize(got_tree).split("\n")] diff = unified_diff(want_lines, got_lines, "want.xml", "got.xml") # convert '@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@' (which py26 difflib produces) # to '@@ -1 +1 @@' (wich later versions produces) diff = [re.sub(r"@@ -(\d+),\1 \+(\d+),\2 @@", r"@@ -\1 +\2 @@", x) for x in diff] # remove trailing space for other control lines (py26...) diff = [re.sub(r"((?:\+\+\+|\-\-\- ).*) $", r"\1", x) for x in diff] msg = "".join(diff) + "\n\nERRORS:" + "\n".join(errors) return
[docs] def assertEqualDirs(self, want, got, suffix=None, filterdir="entries"): """Assert that two directory trees contains identical files :param want: The expected directory tree :type want: str :param got: The actual directory tree :type got: str :param suffix: If given, only check files ending in suffix (otherwise check all the files :type suffix: str :param filterdir: If given, don't compare the parts of the tree that starts with filterdir :type suffix: str """ wantfiles = [x[len(want) + 1:] for x in util.list_dirs(want, suffix) if not x.startswith(want + os.sep + filterdir)] gotfiles = [x[len(got) + 1:] for x in util.list_dirs(got, suffix) if not x.startswith(got + os.sep + filterdir)] self.maxDiff = None self.assertEqual(wantfiles, gotfiles) # or assertIn? for f in gotfiles: if not filecmp.cmp(os.path.join(want, f), os.path.join(got, f), shallow=False): self.assertEqual(util.readfile(os.path.join(want, f)), util.readfile(os.path.join(got, f)))
def assertRegex(self, test, expected_regexp, msg=None): # in older versions of unittest, this method was named assertRegexpMatches if sys.version_info < (3, 2, 0): return self.assertRegexpMatches(test, expected_regexp, msg) else: return super(FerendaTestCase, self).assertRegex(test, expected_regexp, msg)
class RepoTesterStore(object): def __init__(self, origstore, downloaded_file=None): self.origstore = origstore self.downloaded_file = downloaded_file self.datadir = origstore.datadir self.downloaded_suffix = origstore.downloaded_suffix self.storage_policy = origstore.storage_policy def list_attachments(self, basefile, action, version=None): if action=="downloaded": for f in os.listdir(os.path.dirname(self.downloaded_file)): if f != os.path.basename(self.downloaded_file): yield f else: for x in super(self, RepoTesterStore).list_attachments(basefile, action, version): yield x def downloaded_path(self, basefile, version=None, attachment=None): if attachment: return os.path.dirname(self.downloaded_file) + os.sep + attachment else: return self.downloaded_file def intermediate_path(self, basefile, version=None, attachment=None): p = os.path.splitext(self.downloaded_file.replace("downloaded", "intermediate"))[0] + ".xml" if attachment: p = os.path.dirname(p) + os.sep + attachment return p # To handle any other DocumentStore method, just return whatever # our origstore would. def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self.origstore, name)
[docs]class RepoTester(unittest.TestCase, FerendaTestCase): """A unittest.TestCase-based convenience class for creating file-based integration tests for an entire docrepo. To use this, you only need a very small amount of boilerplate code, and some files containing data to be downloaded or parsed. The actual tests are dynamically created from these files. The boilerplate can look something like this:: class TestRFC(RepoTester): repoclass = RFC # the docrepo class to test docroot = os.path.dirname(__file__)+"/files/repo/rfc" parametrize_repotester(TestRFC) """ # A subclass must override these two FIXME: Sphinx really wants to # treat this class as a reference (thinking it must be a class # alias), but cannot resolve it repoclass = DocumentRepository """The actual documentrepository class to be tested. Must be overridden when creating a testcase class.""" docroot = '/tmp' """The location of test files to create tests from. Must be overridden when creating a testcase class""" datadir = None # this should be the only setting of maxDiff we need maxDiff = None def setUp(self): self.datadir = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.repo = self.repoclass(datadir=self.datadir, storelocation=self.datadir + "/ferenda.sqlite", indexlocation=self.datadir + "/whoosh",) def tearDown(self): # print("Not removing %s" % self.datadir) shutil.rmtree(self.datadir)
[docs] def filename_to_basefile(self, filename): """Converts a test filename to a basefile. Default implementation attempts to find out basefile from the repoclass being tested (or rather it's documentstore), but returns a hard-coded basefile if it fails. :param filename: The test file :type filename: str :returns: Corresponding basefile :rtype: str """ try: # Adapted from DocumentStore.list_basefiles_for: Find out a # path fragment from the entire filename path. relfilename = filename[filename.index("test/files/repo"):] directory = os.sep.join(relfilename.split(os.sep)[:5]) if self.repo.storage_policy == "file": suffixlen = len(os.path.splitext(filename)[1]) # eg '.pdf' else: suffixlen = len(os.path.basename(filename))+1 pathfrag = relfilename[len(directory) + 1:-suffixlen] basefile = return basefile except: return "1"
def download_test(self, specfile): def my_get(url, **kwargs): urlspec = spec[url] if isinstance(urlspec, str): urlspec = {'file': urlspec} if 'charset' not in urlspec: urlspec['charset'] = 'utf-8' url_location = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(specfile), urlspec['file']) res = Mock() # load the .content property with open(url_location, "rb") as fp: res.content = # but only load .text if a charset is present (note # default value of 'utf-8' above -- set 'charset': null in # the json file for binary files if urlspec['charset']: with, "r", encoding=urlspec['charset']) as fp: res.text = # FIXME: Using a defaultdict ensures that we'll never trip # over the non-existance of certain headers. WE should # specify only the most basic headers to make sure calling # code doesn't rely on eg. the etag header always being # there, because it won't res.headers = collections.defaultdict(lambda: None) res.headers['X-These-Headers-Are'] = 'Faked' res.status_code = 200 return res with, encoding="utf-8") as fp: spec = json.load(fp) with patch('requests.sessions.Session.get', side_effect=my_get): with patch('requests.get', side_effect=my_get): # organize a temporary copy of files that we can compare our results to wantdir = "%s/%s-want" % (self.datadir, self.repoclass.alias) expected = False for url in spec: if "expect" in spec[url]: expected = True sourcefile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(specfile), spec[url]['file']) wantfile = "%s/%s" % (wantdir, spec[url]['expect']) util.copy_if_different(sourcefile, wantfile) if expected: self.assertEqualDirs(wantdir, "%s/%s" % (self.datadir, self.repoclass.alias)) else:'No files were marked as "expect" in specfile %s' % specfile) def distill_test(self, downloaded_file, rdf_file, docroot): basefile = self.filename_to_basefile(downloaded_file) origstore = = RepoTesterStore(origstore, downloaded_file) try: self.repo.parse(basefile) if 'FERENDA_SET_TESTFILES' in os.environ: print("Overwriting %r with result of parse (%r)" % (rdf_file, basefile)) g = rdflib.Graph() g.parse(data=util.readfile( util.robust_rename(rdf_file, rdf_file + "~") with open(rdf_file, "wb") as fp: fp.write(g.serialize(format="turtle")) return self.assertEqualGraphs(rdf_file,, exact=False) finally: = origstore def parse_test(self, downloaded_file, xhtml_file, docroot): # patch method so we control where the downloaded doc is # loaded from. basefile = self.filename_to_basefile(downloaded_file) origstore = # make a fakestore = RepoTesterStore(origstore, downloaded_file) try: self.repo.parse(basefile) if 'FERENDA_SET_TESTFILES' in os.environ: print("Overwriting %r with result of parse (%r)" % (xhtml_file, basefile)) util.robust_rename(xhtml_file, xhtml_file + "~") shutil.copy2(, xhtml_file) return self.assertEqualXML(util.readfile(xhtml_file), util.readfile( finally: = origstore # for win32 compatibility and simple test case code def p(self, path, prepend_datadir=True): if prepend_datadir: path = self.datadir + "/" + path return path.replace('/', '\\') if os.sep == '\\' else path # Adapted from #
import doctest class Py23DocChecker(doctest.OutputChecker): def check_output(self, want, got, optionflags): if sys.version_info[0] < 3: # if running on py2, attempt to prefix all the strings # with a u (since all our apis use unicode strings) want = re.sub("'(.*?)'", "u'\\1'", want) # want = re.sub('"(.*?)"', 'u"\\1"', want) -- doctest strings always (?) only use singlequoted strings return doctest.OutputChecker.check_output(self, want, got, optionflags)
[docs]def parametrize(cls, template_method, name, params, wrapper=None): """Creates a new test method on a TestCase class, which calls a specific template method with the given parameters (ie. a parametrized test). Given a testcase like this:: class MyTest(unittest.TestCase): def my_general_test(self, parameter): self.assertEqual(parameter, "hello") and the following top-level initalization code:: parametrize(MyTest,MyTest.my_general_test, "test_one", ["hello"]) parametrize(MyTest,MyTest.my_general_test, "test_two", ["world"]) you end up with a test case class with two methods. Using e.g. ``unittest discover`` (or any other unittest-compatible test runner), the following should be the result:: test_one (test_parametric.MyTest) ... ok test_two (test_parametric.MyTest) ... FAIL ====================================================================== FAIL: test_two (test_parametric.MyTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "./ferenda/", line 365, in test_method template_method(self, *params) File "./", line 6, in my_general_test self.assertEqual(parameter, "hello") AssertionError: 'world' != 'hello' - world + hello :param cls: The ``TestCase`` class to add the parametrized test to. :param template_method: The method to use for parametrization :param name: The name for the new test method :type name: str :param params: The parameter list (Note: keyword parameters are not supported) :type params: list :param wrapper: A unittest decorator like :py:func:`unittest.skip` or :py:func:`unittest.expectedFailure`. :param wrapper: callable """ # internal entrypoint for tesst def test_method(self): template_method(self, *params) # py2 compat: name is a unicode object, func.__name__ must be a str(?) if six.PY3: test_method.__name__ = name else: # note that we have redefined str to six.text_type test_method.__name__ = bytes(name) # wrapper is a unittest decorator like skip or expectedFailure if wrapper: setattr(cls, name, wrapper(test_method)) else: setattr(cls, name, test_method)
[docs]def file_parametrize(cls, directory, suffix, filter=None, wrapper=None): """Creates a test for each file in a given directory. Call with any class that subclasses unittest.TestCase and which has a method called `` parametric_test``, eg:: class MyTest(unittest.TestCase): def parametric_test(self,filename): self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(filename)) from ferenda.testutil import file_parametrize file_parametrize(Parse,"test/files/legaluri",".txt") For each .txt file in the directory ``test/files/legaluri``, a corresponding test is created, which calls ``parametric_test`` with the full path to the .txt file as parameter. :param cls: TestCase to add the parametrized test to. :type cls: class :param directory: The path to the files to turn into tests :type directory: str :param suffix: Suffix of the files that should be turned into tests (other files in the directory are ignored) :type directory: str :param filter: Will be called with the name of each matching file. If the ``filter`` callable returns True, no test is created :type params: callable :param wrapper: A unittest decorator like :py:func:`unittest.skip` or :py:func:`unittest.expectedFailure`. :param wrapper: callable (decorator) """ params = [] for filename in os.listdir(directory): if filename.endswith(suffix): if filter and filter(filename): continue testname = filename[:-len(suffix)] testname = "test_" + testname.replace("-", "_") params.append((testname, directory + os.path.sep + filename)) for (name, param) in params: parametrize(cls, cls.parametric_test, name, (param,), wrapper)
[docs]def parametrize_repotester(cls): """Helper function to activate a :py:class:`ferenda.testutil.RepoTester` based class (see the documentation for that class).""" docroot = cls.docroot # 1. download tests if os.path.exists(docroot + "/source"): for filename in os.listdir(docroot + "/source"): if filename.endswith(".json"): testname = "test_download_" + filename[:-5].replace("-", "_") fullname = docroot + "/source/" + filename parametrize(cls, cls.download_test, testname, (fullname,)) # 2. parse tests # for filename in os.listdir(docroot + "/downloaded"): basedir = docroot + "/downloaded" store = cls.repoclass.documentstore_class(docroot) store.downloaded_suffix = cls.repoclass.downloaded_suffix store.storage_policy = cls.repoclass.storage_policy for basefile in store.list_basefiles_for("parse"): pathfrag = store.basefile_to_pathfrag(basefile) filename = store.downloaded_path(basefile) filename = filename[len(basedir) + 1:] downloaded_file = "%s/downloaded/%s" % (docroot, filename) basetest = basefile.replace("-", "_").replace(os.sep,"_").replace("/", "_").replace(":", "_") # transliterate basetest (ie å -> a) basetest = "".join((c for c in unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', basetest) if not unicodedata.combining(c))) # Test 1: is rdf distilled correctly? rdf_file = "%s/distilled/%s.ttl" % (docroot, pathfrag) testname = ("test_distill_" + basetest) wrapper = unittest.expectedFailure if not os.path.exists(rdf_file) else None parametrize(cls, cls.distill_test, testname, (downloaded_file, rdf_file, docroot), wrapper) # Test 2: is xhtml parsed correctly? xhtml_file = "%s/parsed/%s.xhtml" % (docroot, pathfrag) testname = ("test_parse_" + basetest) wrapper = unittest.expectedFailure if not os.path.exists(xhtml_file) else None parametrize(cls, cls.parse_test, testname, (downloaded_file, xhtml_file, docroot), wrapper)
[docs]def testparser(testcase, parser, filename): """Helper function to test :py:class:`~ferenda.FSMParser` based parsers.""" wantfilename = filename.replace(".txt", ".xml") if not os.path.exists(wantfilename) or 'FERENDA_FSMDEBUG' in os.environ: parser.debug = True tr = TextReader(filename, encoding="utf-8", linesep=TextReader.UNIX) b = parser.parse(tr.getiterator(tr.readparagraph)) if 'FERENDA_FSMDEBUG' in os.environ: print(elements.serialize(b)) testcase.maxDiff = 4096 if os.path.exists(wantfilename): with, encoding="utf-8") as fp: want = got = elements.serialize(b).strip() testcase.assertEqualXML(want, got) else: raise AssertionError("Want file not found. Result of parse:\n" + elements.serialize(b))