Source code for ferenda.util

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""General  library of small utility functions."""
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import codecs
import datetime
import filecmp
import hashlib
import locale
import os
import pkg_resources
import posixpath
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import time
from contextlib import contextmanager
from email.utils import parsedate_tz
from ast import literal_eval

import six
from six.moves.urllib_parse import urlsplit, urlunsplit
from six import text_type as str
from six import binary_type as bytes

from . import errors

# We should reorganize this, maybe in util.File, util.String, and so on...

[docs]class gYearMonth( def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], str): args = [int(x) for x in args[0].split("-")] assert len(args) == 2, "gYearMonth() only takes 2 arguments (year, month)" assert not kwargs, "Keyword arguments not (yet) supported" kwargs['day'] = 1 return super(gYearMonth, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) def __repr__(self): return "%s.%s(%s, %s)" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, self.year, self.month) def __str__(self): return "%04d-%02d" % (self.year, self.month)
[docs]class gYear( def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], str): args = [int(args[0])] assert len(args) == 1, "gYearMonth() only takes 1 argument (year)" assert not kwargs, "Keyword arguments not (yet) supported" kwargs['day'] = 1 kwargs['month'] = 1 return super(gYear, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) def __repr__(self): return "%s.%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, self.year) def __str__(self): return "%04d-%02d" % (self.year, self.month) # util.Namespaces # Set up common namespaces and suitable prefixes for them
ns = {'dc': '', 'dcterms': '', 'rdfs': '', 'rdf': '', 'xsi': '', 'skos': '', 'xsd': '', 'foaf': '', 'owl': '', 'xhv': '', 'prov': '', 'bibo': '', 'schema': '', } """A mapping of well-known prefixes and their corresponding namespaces. Includes ``dc``, ``dcterms``, ``rdfs``, ``rdf``, ``skos``, ``xsd``, ``foaf``, ``owl``, ``xhv``, ``prov`` and ``bibo``.""" # util.File
[docs]def mkdir(newdir): """Like :py:func:`os.makedirs`, but doesn't raise an exception if the directory already exists.""" if not os.path.exists(newdir): os.makedirs(newdir) # util.File
[docs]def ensure_dir(filename): """Given a filename (typically one that you wish to create), ensures that the directory the file is in actually exists.""" d = os.path.dirname(filename) if d and not os.path.exists(d): try: mkdir(d) except OSError: # A separate process (when running multiprocessing) might # have created the directory pass # util.File
[docs]def robust_rename(old, new): """Rename old to new no matter what (if the file exists, it's removed, if the target dir doesn't exist, it's created)""" # print "robust_rename: %s -> %s" % (old,new) ensure_dir(new) if os.path.exists(new): os.unlink(new) try: shutil.move(old, new) except IOError: # eh, what are you gonna do? pass # util.File
[docs]def robust_remove(filename): """Removes a filename no matter what (unlike :py:func:`os.unlink`, does not raise an error if the file does not exist).""" if os.path.exists(filename): # try: os.unlink(filename) # util.string
[docs]def relurl(url, starturl): """Works like :py:func:`os.path.relpath`, but for urls >>> relurl("", "") == '../other/index.html' True >>> relurl("", "") == '' True """ urlseg = urlsplit(url) startseg = urlsplit(starturl) urldomain = urlunsplit(urlseg[:2] + tuple('' for i in range(3))) startdomain = urlunsplit(startseg[:2] + tuple('' for i in range(3))) if urldomain != startdomain: # different domain, no relative url possible return url relpath = posixpath.relpath(urlseg.path, posixpath.dirname(startseg.path)) res = urlunsplit(('', '', relpath, urlseg.query, urlseg.fragment)) return res # util.Sort
[docs]def numcmp(x, y): # still used by """Works like ``cmp`` in python 2, but compares two strings using a 'natural sort' order, ie "10" < "2". Also handles strings that contains a mixture of numbers and letters, ie "2" < "2 a". Return negative if x<y, zero if x==y, positive if x>y. >>> numcmp("10", "2") 1 >>> numcmp("2", "2 a") -1 >>> numcmp("3", "2 a") 1 """ nx = split_numalpha(x) ny = split_numalpha(y) return (nx > ny) - (nx < ny) # equivalent to cmp which is not in py3 # util.Sort
[docs]def split_numalpha(s): """Converts a string into a list of alternating string and integers. This makes it possible to sort a list of strings numerically even though they might not be fully convertable to integers >>> split_numalpha('10 a §') == ['', 10, ' a §'] True >>> sorted(['2 §', '10 §', '1 §'], key=split_numalpha) == ['1 §', '2 §', '10 §'] True """ res = [] seg = '' digit = s[0].isdigit() for c in s: if (c.isdigit() and digit) or (not c.isdigit() and not digit): seg += c else: res.append(int(seg) if seg.isdigit() else seg) seg = c digit = not digit res.append(int(seg) if seg.isdigit() else seg) if isinstance(res[0], int): res.insert(0, '') # to make sure every list has type str,int,str,int.... return res # util.Process
[docs]def runcmd(cmdline, require_success=False, cwd=None, cmdline_encoding=None, output_encoding="utf-8"): """Run a shell command, wait for it to finish and return the results. :param cmdline: The full command line (will be passed through a shell) :type cmdline: str :param require_success: If the command fails (non-zero exit code), raise :py:class:`~ferenda.errors.ExternalCommandError` :type require_success: bool :param cwd: The working directory for the process to run :returns: The returncode, all stdout output, all stderr output :rtype: tuple """ if sys.platform == "win32" and six.PY2: cmdline_encoding = "windows-1252" if cmdline_encoding: cmdline = cmdline.encode(cmdline_encoding) p = subprocess.Popen( cmdline, cwd=cwd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) (stdout, stderr) = p.communicate() ret = p.returncode if output_encoding: stdout = stdout.decode(output_encoding) stderr = stderr.decode(output_encoding) if (require_success and ret != 0): # FIXME: ExternalCommandError should have fields for cmd and # ret as well (and a sensible __str__ implementatiton) raise errors.ExternalCommandError(stderr) return (p.returncode, stdout, stderr) # util.String
[docs]def normalize_space(string): """Normalize all whitespace in string so that only a single space between words is ever used, and that the string neither starts with nor ends with whitespace. >>> normalize_space(" This is a long \\n string\\n") == 'This is a long string' True """ return ' '.join(string.split()) # util.File
[docs]def list_dirs(d, suffix=None, reverse=False): """A generator that works much like :py:func:`os.listdir`, only recursively (and only returns files, not directories). :param d: The directory to start in :type d: str :param suffix: Only return files with the given suffix :type suffix: str :param reverse: Returns result sorted in reverse alphabetic order :param type: :returns: the full path (starting from d) of each matching file :rtype: generator """ # inspired by directories = [d] while directories: d = directories.pop() for f in sorted(os.listdir(d), key=split_numalpha, reverse=reverse): f = "%s%s%s" % (d, os.path.sep, f) if os.path.isdir(f): directories.insert(0, f) elif os.path.isfile: if suffix and not f.endswith(suffix): continue else: yield f # util.File
[docs]def replace_if_different(src, dst, archivefile=None): """Like :py:func:`shutil.move`, except the *src* file isn't moved if the *dst* file already exists and is identical to *src*. Also doesn't require that the directory of *dst* exists beforehand. **Note**: regardless of whether it was moved or not, *src* is always deleted. :param src: The source file to move :type src: str :param dst: The destination file :type dst: str :returns: True if src was copied to dst, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ assert os.path.exists(src) if not os.path.exists(dst): # print "old file %s didn't exist" % dst robust_rename(src, dst) return True elif not filecmp.cmp(src, dst, shallow=False): # print "old file %s different from new file %s" % (dst,src) if archivefile: robust_rename(dst, archivefile) robust_rename(src, dst) return True else: # print "old file %s identical to new file %s" % (dst,src) os.unlink(src) return False # util.File
[docs]def copy_if_different(src, dest): """Like :py:func:`shutil.copyfile`, except the *src* file isn't copied if the *dst* file already exists and is identical to *src*. Also doesn't require that the directory of *dst* exists beforehand. :param src: The source file to move :type src: str :param dst: The destination file :type dst: str :returns: True if src was copied to dst, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ if not os.path.exists(dest): ensure_dir(dest) shutil.copy2(src, dest) return True elif not filecmp.cmp(src, dest): os.unlink(dest) shutil.copy2(src, dest) return True else: return False # util.File
[docs]def outfile_is_newer(infiles, outfile): """Check if a given *outfile* is newer (has a more recent modification time) than a list of *infiles*. Returns True if so, False otherwise (including if outfile doesn't exist).""" if not os.path.exists(outfile): return False outfile_mtime = os.stat(outfile).st_mtime for f in infiles: # print "Testing whether %s is newer than %s" % (f, outfile) if os.path.exists(f) and os.stat(f).st_mtime > outfile_mtime: # print "%s was newer than %s" % (f, outfile) return False # print "%s is newer than %r" % (outfile, infiles) return True # util.file
[docs]def ucfirst(string): """Returns string with first character uppercased but otherwise unchanged. >>> ucfirst("iPhone") == 'IPhone' True """ l = len(string) if l == 0: return string elif l == 1: return string.upper() else: return string[0].upper() + string[1:] # util.time # From
[docs]def rfc_3339_timestamp(dt): """Converts a datetime object to a RFC 3339-style date >>> rfc_3339_timestamp(datetime.datetime(2013, 7, 2, 21, 20, 25)) == '2013-07-02T21:20:25-00:00' True """ if dt.tzinfo is None: suffix = "-00:00" else: suffix = dt.strftime("%z") suffix = suffix[:-2] + ":" + suffix[-2:] return dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") + suffix
[docs]def parse_rfc822_date(httpdate): """Converts a RFC 822-type date string (more-or-less the same as a HTTP-date) to an UTC-localized (naive) datetime. >>> parse_rfc822_date("Mon, 4 Aug 1997 02:14:00 EST") datetime.datetime(1997, 8, 4, 7, 14) """ parsed_date = parsedate_tz(httpdate) return (datetime.datetime(*parsed_date[:7]) - datetime.timedelta(seconds=parsed_date[9]))
[docs]def strptime(datestr, format): """Like datetime.strptime, but guaranteed to not be affected by current system locale -- all datetime parsing is done using the C locale. >>> strptime("Mon, 4 Aug 1997 02:14:05", "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S") datetime.datetime(1997, 8, 4, 2, 14, 5) """ with c_locale(): return datetime.datetime.strptime(datestr, format) # Util.file
[docs]def readfile(filename, mode="r", encoding="utf-8"): """Opens *filename*, reads it's contents and returns them as a string.""" if "b" in mode: with open(filename, mode=mode) as fp: return # returns bytes, not str else: with, mode=mode, encoding=encoding) as fp: return # util.file
[docs]def writefile(filename, contents, encoding="utf-8"): """Create *filename* and write *contents* to it.""" ensure_dir(filename) with, "w", encoding=encoding) as fp: fp.write(contents) # util.string
[docs]def extract_text(html, start, end, decode_entities=True, strip_tags=True): """Given *html*, a string of HTML content, and two substrings (*start* and *end*) present in this string, return all text between the substrings, optionally decoding any HTML entities and removing HTML tags. >>> extract_text("<body><div><b>Hello</b> <i>World</i>&trade;</div></body>", ... "<div>", "</div>") == 'Hello World™' True >>> extract_text("<body><div><b>Hello</b> <i>World</i>&trade;</div></body>", ... "<div>", "</div>", decode_entities=False) == 'Hello World&trade;' True >>> extract_text("<body><div><b>Hello</b> <i>World</i>&trade;</div></body>", ... "<div>", "</div>", strip_tags=False) == '<b>Hello</b> <i>World</i>™' True """ startidx = html.index(start) endidx = html.rindex(end) text = html[startidx + len(start):endidx] if decode_entities: from six.moves import html_entities entities = re.compile("&(\w+?);") text = entities.sub(lambda m: six.unichr(html_entities.name2codepoint[]), text) if strip_tags: # tags = re.compile("</?\w+>") text = tags.sub('', text) return text
[docs]def merge_dict_recursive(base, other): """Merges the *other* dict into the *base* dict. If any value in other is itself a dict and the base also has a dict for the same key, merge these sub-dicts (and so on, recursively). >>> base = {'a': 1, 'b': {'c': 3}} >>> other = {'x': 4, 'b': {'y': 5}} >>> want = {'a': 1, 'x': 4, 'b': {'c': 3, 'y': 5}} >>> got = merge_dict_recursive(base, other) >>> got == want True >>> base == want True """ for (key, value) in list(other.items()): if (isinstance(value, dict) and (key in base) and (isinstance(base[key], dict))): base[key] = merge_dict_recursive(base[key], value) else: base[key] = value return base
[docs]def resource_extract(resource_name, outfile, params={}): """Copy a file from the ferenda package resources to a specified path, optionally performing variable substitutions on the contents of the file. :param resource_name: The named resource (eg 'res/sparql/annotations.rq') :param outfile: Path to extract the resource to :param params: A dict of parameters, to be used with regular string subtitutions in the resource file. """ fp = pkg_resources.resource_stream('ferenda', resource_name) resource ='utf-8') if params: resource = resource % params ensure_dir(outfile) with, "w") as fp: fp.write(resource) # Deprecated -- was only ever used to find a handle leak # # # def print_open_fds(): # ''' # Print the open file descriptors for current process # # .. warning: will only work on UNIX-like os-es. # ''' # import subprocess # import os # # pid = os.getpid() # procs = subprocess.check_output( # [ "lsof", '-w', '-Ff', "-p", str( pid ) ] ).decode('utf-8') # # fprocs = list(filter(lambda s: s and s[ 0 ] == 'f' and s[1: ].isdigit(), # procs.split( '\n' ))) # print("Open file descriptors: " + ", ".join(fprocs)) # Copied from rdfextras.utils.pathutils
[docs]def uri_leaf(uri): """ Get the "leaf" - fragment id or last segment - of a URI. Useful e.g. for getting a term from a "namespace like" URI. >>> uri_leaf("") == 'title' True >>> uri_leaf("") == 'Concept' True >>> uri_leaf("") # returns None """ for char in ('#', '/', ':'): if uri.endswith(char): break if char in uri: sep = char leaf = uri.rsplit(char)[-1] else: sep = '' leaf = uri if sep and leaf: return leaf
[docs]def logtime(method, format="The operation took %(elapsed).3f sec", values={}): """A context manager that uses the supplied method and format string to log the elapsed time:: with util.logtime(log.debug, "Basefile %(basefile)s took %(elapsed).3f s", {'basefile':'foo'}): do_stuff_that_takes_some_time() This results in a call like log.debug("Basefile foo took 1.324 s"). """ start = time.time() yield values['elapsed'] = time.time() - start method(format % values) # Python docs recommends against this. Eh, what are you going to do?
[docs]def c_locale(category=locale.LC_TIME): """Temporarily change process locale to the C locale, for use when eg parsing English dates on a system that may have non-english locale. >>> with c_locale(): ... datetime.datetime.strptime("August 2013", "%B %Y") datetime.datetime(2013, 8, 1, 0, 0) """ oldlocale = locale.getlocale(category) newlocale = 'C' if six.PY3 else b'C' locale.setlocale(category, newlocale) try: yield finally: locale.setlocale(category, oldlocale) # Example code from
[docs]def from_roman(s): """convert Roman numeral to integer. >>> from_roman("MCMLXXXIV") 1984 """ roman_numeral_map = (('M', 1000), ('CM', 900), ('D', 500), ('CD', 400), ('C', 100), ('XC', 90), ('L', 50), ('XL', 40), ('X', 10), ('IX', 9), ('V', 5), ('IV', 4), ('I', 1)) result = 0 index = 0 for numeral, integer in roman_numeral_map: while s[index:index + len(numeral)] == numeral: result += integer index += len(numeral) return result
[docs]def title_sortkey(s): """Transform a document title into a key useful for sorting and partitioning documents. >>> title_sortkey("The 'viewstate' property") == 'viewstateproperty' True """ s = s.lower() if s.startswith("the "): s = s[4:] # filter away all non-word characters (but not digits) s = re.sub("\W+", "", s) # remove spaces return "".join(s.split())
[docs]def parseresults_as_xml(parseres, depth=0): # workaround for a buggy pyparsing.ParseResults.asXML which relies # on having dict.items() (not) returning items in a particular # order. We can't access res.__tocdict which really holds what # we're after, so we do the insane procedure of first getting a # repr string representation of the contents (luckily # pyparsing.ParseResults.__repr__ returns a string representation # of __tocdict), then parsing that with ast.literal_eval) # # Note that this is not a complete as_xml implementation, but it # works for the ParseResult objects we're dealing with right now # -- this'll be updated as we go along. rep = repr(parseres) tocdict = literal_eval(rep)[1] res = "\n" for k, v in sorted(tocdict.items(), key=lambda i: i[1][0][1]): if k == parseres.getName(): continue if isinstance(v[0][0], str): res += "%s<%s>%s</%s>\n" % (" "*(depth+1),k,v[0][0],k) elif v[0][0][1] == {}: res += "%s<%s>%s</%s>\n" % (" "*(depth+1),k,v[0][0][0][0],k) # else: call parseresults_as_xml again somehow -- but we don't # have any 3-level grammar productions to test with return "%s<%s>%s</%s>\n" % (" "*depth, parseres.getName(), res, parseres.getName())
[docs]def json_default_date(obj): if isinstance(obj, (datetime.datetime, return obj.isoformat() raise TypeError("%r is not JSON serializable" % obj)