Source code for ferenda.documentstore

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from contextlib import contextmanager
import shutil
import os
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
import filecmp

import six
from six.moves.urllib_parse import quote, unquote

from ferenda import util
from ferenda import errors

[docs]class DocumentStore(object): """ Unifies handling of reading and writing of various data files during the ``download``, ``parse`` and ``generate`` stages. :param datadir: The root directory (including docrepo path segment) where files are stored. :type datadir: str :param downloaded_suffix: File suffix for the main source document format. Determines the suffix of downloaded files. :type downloaded_suffix: str :param storage_policy: Some repositories have documents in several formats, documents split amongst several files or embedded resources. If ``storage_policy`` is set to ``dir``, then each document gets its own directory (the default filename being ``index`` +suffix), otherwise each doc gets stored as a file in a directory with other files. Affects :py:meth:`~ferenda.DocumentStore.path` (and therefore all other ``*_path`` methods) :type storage_policy: str """ def __init__(self, datadir, downloaded_suffix=".html", storage_policy="file"): self.datadir = datadir # docrepo.datadir + docrepo.alias self.downloaded_suffix = downloaded_suffix self.storage_policy = storage_policy @contextmanager def _open(self, filename, mode): if "w" in mode: fp = NamedTemporaryFile(mode, delete=False) fp.realname = filename try: yield fp finally: tempname = fp.close() if not os.path.exists(filename) or not filecmp.cmp(tempname, filename): util.ensure_dir(filename) shutil.move(tempname, filename) else: os.unlink(tempname) else: if "a" in mode and not os.path.exists(filename): util.ensure_dir(filename) fp = open(filename, mode) yield fp # TODO: Maybe this is a worthwhile extension to the API? Could ofc # easily be done everywhere where a non-document related path is # needed.
[docs] def resourcepath(self, resourcename): return self.datadir + os.sep + resourcename.replace("/", os.sep)
[docs] def path(self, basefile, maindir, suffix, version=None, attachment=None, storage_policy=None): """Calculate a full filesystem path for the given parameters. :param basefile: The basefile of the resource we're calculating a filename for :type basefile: str :param maindir: The stage of processing, e.g. ``downloaded`` or ``parsed`` :type maindir: str :param suffix: Appropriate file suffix, e.g. ``.txt`` or ``.pdf`` :param version: Optional. The archived version id :type version: str :param attachment: Optional. Any associated file needed by the main file. :type attachment: str :param storage_policy: Optional. Used to override `storage_policy` if needed :type attachment: str .. note:: This is a generic method with many parameters. In order to keep your code tidy and and loosely coupled to the actual storage policy, you should use methods like :meth:`~ferenda.DocumentStore.downloaded_path` or :meth:`~ferenda.DocumentStore.parsed_path` when possible. Example: >>> d = DocumentStore(datadir="/tmp/base") >>> realsep = os.sep >>> os.sep = "/" >>> d.path('123/a', 'parsed', '.xhtml') == '/tmp/base/parsed/123/a.xhtml' True >>> d.storage_policy = "dir" >>> d.path('123/a', 'parsed', '.xhtml') == '/tmp/base/parsed/123/a/index.xhtml' True >>> d.path('123/a', 'downloaded', None, 'r4711', 'appendix.txt') == '/tmp/base/archive/downloaded/123/a/r4711/appendix.txt' True >>> os.sep = realsep :param basefile: The basefile for which to calculate the path :type basefile: str :param maindir: The processing stage directory (normally ``downloaded``, ``parsed``, or ``generated``) :type maindin: str :param suffix: The file extension including period (i.e. ``.txt``, not ``txt``) :type suffix: str :param version: Optional, the archived version id :type version: str :param attachment: Optional. Any associated file needed by the main file. Requires that ``storage_policy`` is set to ``dir``. ``suffix`` is ignored if this parameter is used. :type attachment: str :returns: The full filesystem path :rtype: str """ pathfrag = self.basefile_to_pathfrag(basefile) if not storage_policy: storage_policy = self.storage_policy if version: v_pathfrag = self.basefile_to_pathfrag(version) segments = [self.datadir, 'archive', maindir, pathfrag, v_pathfrag] else: segments = [self.datadir, maindir, pathfrag] if storage_policy == "dir": if attachment: for illegal in ':/': if illegal in attachment: raise errors.AttachmentNameError( "Char '%s' in attachment name '%s' not allowed" % (illegal, attachment)) segments.append(attachment) else: segments.append("index" + suffix) else: if attachment != None: raise errors.AttachmentPolicyError( "Can't add attachments (name %s) if " "storage_policy != 'dir'" % attachment) segments[-1] += suffix unixpath = "/".join(segments) if os.sep == "/": return unixpath else: return unixpath.replace("/", os.sep)
[docs] @contextmanager def open(self, basefile, maindir, suffix, mode="r", version=None, attachment=None): """Context manager that opens files for reading or writing. The parameters are the same as for :meth:`~ferenda.DocumentStore.path`, and the note is applicable here as well -- use :meth:`~ferenda.DocumentStore.open_downloaded`, :meth:`~ferenda.DocumentStore.open_parsed` et al if possible. Example: >>> store = DocumentStore(datadir="/tmp/base") >>> with'123/a', 'parsed', '.xhtml', mode="w") as fp: ... res = fp.write("hello world") >>> os.path.exists("/tmp/base/parsed/123/a.xhtml") True """ filename = self.path(basefile, maindir, suffix, version, attachment) fp = NamedTemporaryFile(mode, delete=False) fp.realname = filename try: yield fp finally: tempname = fp.close() if not os.path.exists(filename) or not filecmp.cmp(tempname, filename): util.ensure_dir(filename) shutil.move(tempname, filename) else: os.unlink(tempname)
[docs] def list_basefiles_for(self, action, basedir=None): """Get all available basefiles that can be used for the specified action. :param action: The action for which to get available basefiles (``parse``, ``relate``, ``generate`` or ``news``) :type action: str :param basedir: The base directory in which to search for available files. If not provided, defaults to ``self.datadir``. :type basedir: str :returns: All available basefiles :rtype: generator """ if not basedir: basedir = self.datadir directory = None if action == "parse": directory = os.path.sep.join((basedir, "downloaded")) if self.storage_policy == "dir": # If each document is stored in a separate directory, # there is usually other auxillary files (attachments # and whatnot) in that directory as well. Make sure we # only yield a single file from each directory. By # convention, the main file is called index.html, # index.pdf or whatever. # print("storage_policy dir: %s" % self.storage_policy) suffix = os.sep + "index" + self.downloaded_suffix else: # print("storage_policy file: %s" % self.storage_policy) suffix = self.downloaded_suffix elif action == "relate": directory = os.path.sep.join((basedir, "distilled")) suffix = ".rdf" elif action == "generate": directory = os.path.sep.join((basedir, "parsed")) if self.storage_policy == "dir": suffix = os.sep + "index.xhtml" else: suffix = ".xhtml" elif action == "news": directory = os.path.sep.join((basedir, "entries")) suffix = ".json" # FIXME: fake action, needed for get_status. replace with # something more elegant elif action in ("_postgenerate"): directory = os.path.sep.join((basedir, "generated")) suffix = ".html" if not directory: raise ValueError("No directory calculated for action %s" % action) if not os.path.exists(directory): return # FIXME: Some stores need a more sophisticated way of filtering than this. for x in util.list_dirs(directory, suffix, reverse=True): # ignore empty files placed by download (which may # have done that in order to avoid trying to # re-download nonexistent resources) if os.path.exists(x) and os.path.getsize(x) > 0: # get a pathfrag from full path # suffixlen = len(suffix) if self.storage_policy == "file" else len(suffix) + 1 suffixlen = len(suffix) x = x[len(directory) + 1:-suffixlen] yield self.pathfrag_to_basefile(x)
[docs] def list_versions(self, basefile, action=None): """Get all archived versions of a given basefile. :param basefile: The basefile to list archived versions for :type basefile: str :param action: The type of file to look for (either ``downloaded``, ``parsed`` or ``generated``. If ``None``, look for all types. :type action: str :returns: All available versions for that basefile :rtype: generator """ if action: assert action in ('downloaded', 'parsed', 'generated'), "Action %s invalid" % action actions = (action,) else: actions = ('downloaded', 'parsed', 'generated') basedir = self.datadir pathfrag = self.basefile_to_pathfrag(basefile) yielded_basefiles = [] for action in actions: directory = os.sep.join((basedir, "archive", action, pathfrag)) if not os.path.exists(directory): continue for x in util.list_dirs(directory, reverse=False): if os.path.exists(x): # /datadir/base/archive/downloaded/basefile/version.html # => version.html x = x[len(directory) + 1:] if self.storage_policy == "dir": # version/index.html => version x = os.sep.join(x.split(os.sep)[:-1]) else: # version.html => version x = os.path.splitext(x)[0] if os.sep in x: # we didn't find an archived file for # basefile, instead we found an archived file # for another basefile that startswith our # basefile (eg '123' and '123/a', and we found # '123/a/4.html') continue # print("Found file %r %r" % (x, self.pathfrag_to_basefile(x))) basefile = self.pathfrag_to_basefile(x) if basefile not in yielded_basefiles: yielded_basefiles.append(basefile) yield basefile
[docs] def list_attachments(self, basefile, action, version=None): """Get all attachments for a basefile in a specified state :param action: The state (type of file) to look for (either ``downloaded``, ``parsed`` or ``generated``. If ``None``, look for all types. :type action: str :param basefile: The basefile to list attachments for :type basefile: str :param version: The version of the basefile to list attachments for. If None, list attachments for the current version. :type version: str :returns: All available attachments for the basefile :rtype: generator """ if self.storage_policy != "dir": raise errors.AttachmentPolicyError("Can't list attachments if storage_policy != 'dir'") basedir = self.datadir # pathfrag = self.pathfrag_to_basefile(basefile) # that can't be right? pathfrag = self.basefile_to_pathfrag(basefile) if version: v_pathfrag = self.basefile_to_pathfrag(version) directory = os.sep.join((basedir, "archive", action, pathfrag, v_pathfrag)) else: directory = os.sep.join((basedir, action, pathfrag)) # FIXME: Similar map exists in list_basefiles_for and in other # places throughout the code. Should subclasses be able to # control suffixes beyond the simple self.downloaded_suffix # mechanism? suffixmap = {'downloaded': self.downloaded_suffix, 'parsed': '.xhtml', 'generated': '.html'} mainfile = "index" + suffixmap[action] for x in util.list_dirs(directory, reverse=False): # /datadir/base/downloaded/basefile/attachment.txt => attachment.txt x = x[len(directory) + 1:] if x != mainfile: yield x
[docs] def basefile_to_pathfrag(self, basefile): """Given a basefile, returns a string that can safely be used as a fragment of the path for any representation of that file. The default implementation recognizes a number of characters that are unsafe to use in file names and replaces them with HTTP percent-style encoding. Example: >>> d = DocumentStore("/tmp") >>> realsep = os.sep >>> os.sep = "/" >>> d.basefile_to_pathfrag('1998:204') == '1998/%3A204' True >>> os.sep = realsep If you wish to override how document files are stored in directories, you can override this method, but you should make sure to also override :py:meth:`~ferenda.DocumentStore.pathfrag_to_basefile` to work as the inverse of this method. :param basefile: The basefile to encode :type basefile: str :returns: The encoded path fragment :rtype: str """ safe = '/;@&=+,' if six.PY2: # urllib.quote in python 2 cannot handle unicode values # for the s parameter (2.6 cannot even handle unicode # values for the safe parameter). FIXME: We should create # a shim as ferenda.compat.quote and use that basefile = basefile.encode('utf-8') safe = safe.encode('ascii') # pragma: no cover return quote(basefile, safe=safe).replace('%', os.sep + '%')
[docs] def pathfrag_to_basefile(self, pathfrag): """Does the inverse of :py:meth:`~ferenda.DocumentStore.basefile_to_pathfrag`, that is, converts a fragment of a file path into the corresponding basefile. :param pathfrag: The path fragment to decode :type pathfrag: str :returns: The resulting basefile :rtype: str """ if os.sep == "\\": pathfrag = pathfrag.replace("\\", "/") return unquote(pathfrag.replace('/%', '%'))
[docs] def archive(self, basefile, version): """Moves the current version of a document to an archive. All files related to the document are moved (downloaded, parsed, generated files and any existing attachment files). :param basefile: The basefile of the document to archive :type basefile: str :param version: The version id to archive under :type version: str """ for meth in (self.downloaded_path, self.documententry_path, self.parsed_path, self.serialized_path, self.distilled_path, self.annotation_path, self.generated_path): # FIXME: what about intermediate? Ignore them as they # should be able to be regenerated at any time? src = meth(basefile) dest = meth(basefile, version) if self.storage_policy == "dir" and meth in (self.downloaded_path, self.parsed_path, self.generated_path): src = os.path.dirname(src) dest = os.path.dirname(dest) if not os.path.exists(src): continue if os.path.exists(dest): raise errors.ArchivingError( "Archive destination %s for basefile %s version %s already exists!" % (dest, basefile, version)) # self.log.debug("Archiving %s to %s" % (src,dest)) # print("Archiving %s to %s" % (src,dest)) util.ensure_dir(dest) shutil.move(src, dest)
[docs] def downloaded_path(self, basefile, version=None, attachment=None): """Get the full path for the downloaded file for the given basefile (and optionally archived version and/or attachment filename). :param basefile: The basefile for which to calculate the path :type basefile: str :param version: Optional. The archived version id :type version: str :param attachment: Optional. Any associated file needed by the main file. :type attachment: str :returns: The full filesystem path :rtype: str """ return self.path(basefile, 'downloaded', self.downloaded_suffix, version, attachment)
[docs] def open_downloaded(self, basefile, mode="r", version=None, attachment=None): """Opens files for reading and writing, c.f. :meth:``. The parameters are the same as for :meth:`~ferenda.DocumentStore.downloaded_path`. """ filename = self.downloaded_path(basefile, version, attachment) return self._open(filename, mode)
[docs] def documententry_path(self, basefile, version=None): """Get the full path for the documententry JSON file for the given basefile (and optionally archived version). :param basefile: The basefile for which to calculate the path :type basefile: str :param version: Optional. The archived version id :type version: str :returns: The full filesystem path :rtype: str """ return self.path(basefile, 'entries', '.json', version, storage_policy="file")
[docs] def intermediate_path(self, basefile, version=None, attachment=None): """Get the full path for the main intermediate file for the given basefile (and optionally archived version). :param basefile: The basefile for which to calculate the path :type basefile: str :param version: Optional. The archived version id :type version: str :param attachment: Optional. Any associated file created or retained in the intermediate step :returns: The full filesystem path :rtype: str """ return self.path(basefile, 'intermediate', '.xml', version, attachment)
[docs] def open_intermediate(self, basefile, mode="r", version=None, attachment=None): """Opens files for reading and writing, c.f. :meth:``. The parameters are the same as for :meth:`~ferenda.DocumentStore.intermediate_path`. """ filename = self.intermediate_path(basefile, version, attachment) return self._open(filename, mode)
[docs] def parsed_path(self, basefile, version=None, attachment=None): """Get the full path for the parsed XHTML file for the given basefile. :param basefile: The basefile for which to calculate the path :type basefile: str :param version: Optional. The archived version id :type version: str :param attachment: Optional. Any associated file needed by the main file (created by :py:meth:`~ferenda.DocumentRepository.parse`) :type attachment: str :returns: The full filesystem path :rtype: str """ return self.path(basefile, 'parsed', '.xhtml', version, attachment)
[docs] def open_parsed(self, basefile, mode="r", version=None, attachment=None): """Opens files for reading and writing, c.f. :meth:``. The parameters are the same as for :meth:`~ferenda.DocumentStore.parsed_path`. """ filename = self.parsed_path(basefile, version, attachment) return self._open(filename, mode)
[docs] def serialized_path(self, basefile, version=None, attachment=None): """Get the full path for the serialized JSON file for the given basefile. :param basefile: The basefile for which to calculate the path :type basefile: str :param version: Optional. The archived version id :type version: str :returns: The full filesystem path :rtype: str """ return self.path(basefile, 'serialized', '.json', version, storage_policy="file")
[docs] def open_serialized(self, basefile, mode="r", version=None): """Opens files for reading and writing, c.f. :meth:``. The parameters are the same as for :meth:`~ferenda.DocumentStore.serialized_path`. """ filename = self.serialized_path(basefile, version) return self._open(filename, mode)
[docs] def distilled_path(self, basefile, version=None): """Get the full path for the distilled RDF/XML file for the given basefile. :param basefile: The basefile for which to calculate the path :type basefile: str :param version: Optional. The archived version id :type version: str :returns: The full filesystem path :rtype: str """ return self.path(basefile, 'distilled', '.rdf', version, storage_policy="file")
[docs] def open_distilled(self, basefile, mode="r", version=None): """Opens files for reading and writing, c.f. :meth:``. The parameters are the same as for :meth:`~ferenda.DocumentStore.distilled_path`. """ filename = self.distilled_path(basefile, version) return self._open(filename, mode)
[docs] def generated_path(self, basefile, version=None, attachment=None): """Get the full path for the generated file for the given basefile (and optionally archived version and/or attachment filename). :param basefile: The basefile for which to calculate the path :type basefile: str :param version: Optional. The archived version id :type version: str :param attachment: Optional. Any associated file needed by the main file. :type attachment: str :returns: The full filesystem path :rtype: str """ return self.path(basefile, 'generated', '.html', version, attachment)
# Removed this method until I find a reason to use it # # def open_generated(self, basefile, mode="r", version=None, attachment=None): # """Opens files for reading and writing, # c.f. :meth:``. The parameters are # the same as for # :meth:`~ferenda.DocumentStore.generated_path`. # # """ # filename = self.generated_path(basefile, version, attachment) # return self._open(filename, mode)
[docs] def annotation_path(self, basefile, version=None): """Get the full path for the annotation file for the given basefile (and optionally archived version). :param basefile: The basefile for which to calculate the path :type basefile: str :param version: Optional. The archived version id :type version: str :returns: The full filesystem path :rtype: str """ return self.path(basefile, 'annotations', '.grit.xml', version, storage_policy="file")
[docs] def open_annotation(self, basefile, mode="r", version=None): """Opens files for reading and writing, c.f. :meth:``. The parameters are the same as for :meth:`~ferenda.DocumentStore.annotation_path`.""" filename = self.annotation_path(basefile, version) return self._open(filename, mode)
[docs] def dependencies_path(self, basefile): """Get the full path for the dependency file for the given basefile :param basefile: The basefile for which to calculate the path :type basefile: str :returns: The full filesystem path :rtype: str """ return self.path(basefile, 'deps', '.txt', storage_policy="file")
[docs] def open_dependencies(self, basefile, mode="r"): """Opens files for reading and writing, c.f. :meth:``. The parameters are the same as for :meth:`~ferenda.DocumentStore.dependencies_path`.""" filename = self.dependencies_path(basefile) return self._open(filename, mode)
[docs] def atom_path(self, basefile): """Get the full path for the atom file for the given basefile .. note:: This is used by :meth:`` and does not really operate on "real" basefiles. It might be removed. You probably shouldn't use it unless you override :meth:`` :param basefile: The basefile for which to calculate the path :type basefile: str :returns: The full filesystem path :rtype: str """ return self.path(basefile, 'feed', '.atom', storage_policy="file")