Source code for ferenda.textreader

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import os
import codecs
import copy

import six

[docs]class TextReader(object): """Fancy file-like-class for reading (not writing) text files by line, paragraph, page or any other user-defined unit of text, with support for peeking ahead and looking backwards. It can read files with byte streams using different encodings, but converts/handles everything to real strings (unicode in python 2). Alternatively, it can be initialized from an existing string. :param filename: The file to read :type filename: str :param encoding: The encoding used by the file (default ``ascii``) :type encoding: str :param string: Alternatively, a string used for initialization :type string: str :param linesep: The line separators used in the file/string :type linesep: str """ def __init__(self, filename=None, encoding=None, string=None, linesep=None): if not filename and not string: raise TypeError("Must specify either filename or string") # implementation of file attributes self.closed = False self.mode = "r+" = filename self.newlines = None self.softspace = 0 if encoding: self.encoding = encoding else: self.encoding = 'ascii' # Other initialization if linesep: self.linesep = linesep else: self.linesep = os.linesep # can be changed through getiterator, if we want to iterate over anything else but lines self.iterfunc = self.readline self.iterargs = [] self.iterkwargs = {} self.autostrip = False self.autodewrap = False self.autodehyphenate = False self.expandtabs = True if filename: self.f =, "r", self.encoding) = self.f.close() else: assert(isinstance(string, six.text_type)) = string self.currpos = 0 self.maxpos = len( self.lastread = '' UNIX = '\n' """Unix line endings, for use with the ``linesep`` parameter.""" DOS = '\r\n' """Dos/Windows line endings, for use with the ``linesep`` parameter.""" MAC = '\r' """Old-style Mac line endings, for use with the ``linesep`` parameter.""" def __iter__(self): # self.iterfunc = self.readline return self def __find(self, delimiter, startpos): idx =, startpos) if idx == -1: # not found, read until eof res =[startpos:] newpos = startpos + len(res) else: res =[startpos:idx] newpos = idx + len(delimiter) return (res, newpos) def __rfind(self, delimiter, startpos): idx =, 0, startpos) if idx == -1: # not found, read until bof res =[:startpos] newpos = 0 else: res =[idx + len(delimiter):startpos] newpos = idx return (res, newpos) def __process(self, s): if self.autostrip: s = self.__strip(s) if self.autodewrap: s = self.__dewrap(s) if self.autodehyphenate: s = self.__dehyphenate(s) if self.expandtabs: s = self.__expandtabs(s) return s def __strip(self, s): return s.strip() def __dewrap(self, s): return s.replace(self.linesep, " ") def __dehyphenate(self, s): return s # FIXME: implement def __expandtabs(self, s): return s.expandtabs(8) #---------------------------------------------------------------- # Added convenience methods
[docs] def eof(self): """Returns True iff current seek position is at end of file.""" return (self.currpos == self.maxpos)
[docs] def bof(self): """Returns True iff current seek position is at begining of file.""" return (self.currpos == 0)
[docs] def cue(self, string): """Set seek position at the beginning of *string*, starting at current seek position. Raises IOError if *string* not found.""" idx =, self.currpos) if idx == -1: raise IOError("Could not find %r in file" % string) self.currpos = idx
[docs] def cuepast(self, string): """Set seek position at the beginning of *string*, starting at current seek position. Raises IOError if *string* not found.""" self.cue(string) self.currpos += len(string)
[docs] def readto(self, string): """Read and return all text between current seek potition and *string*. Sets new seek position at the start of *string*. Raises IOError if *string* not found.""" idx =, self.currpos) if idx == -1: raise IOError("Could not find %r in file" % string) res =[self.currpos:idx] self.currpos = idx return self.__process(res)
[docs] def readparagraph(self): """Reads and returns the next paragraph (all text up to two or more consecutive line separators).""" # consume any leading newlines while self.peek(len(self.linesep)) == self.linesep: self.currpos += len(self.linesep) # read actual paragrapgh res = self.readchunk(self.linesep * 2) # consume any trailing lines while self.peek(len(self.linesep)) == self.linesep: self.currpos += len(self.linesep) # print("readparagraph: %r" % res[:40]) return res
[docs] def readpage(self): """Reads and returns the next page (all text up to next form feed, ``"\\f"``)""" return self.readchunk('\f') # form feed - pdftotext generates
# these to indicate page breaks # (other ascii oriented formats, # like the GPL, RFCs and even some # python source code, uses it as # well)
[docs] def readchunk(self, delimiter): """Reads and returns the next chunk of text up to *delimiter*""" (self.lastread, self.currpos) = self.__find(delimiter, self.currpos) return self.__process(self.lastread)
[docs] def lastread(self): """Returns the last chunk of data that was actually read (i.e. the ``peek*`` and ``prev*`` methods do not affect this)""" return self.__process(self.lastread)
[docs] def peek(self, size=0): """Works like :meth:``, but does not affect current seek position.""" res =[self.currpos:self.currpos + size] return self.__process(res)
[docs] def peekline(self, times=1): """Works like :meth:`~ferenda.TextReader.readline`, but does not affect current seek position. If *times* is specified, peeks that many lines ahead.""" return self.peekchunk(self.linesep, times)
[docs] def peekparagraph(self, times=1): """Works like :meth:`~ferenda.TextReader.readparagraph`, but does not affect current seek position. If *times* is specified, peeks that many paragraphs ahead.""" startpos = self.currpos # consume any leading newlines while self.peek(len(self.linesep)) == self.linesep: self.currpos += len(self.linesep) # read actual paragrapgh res = self.peekchunk(self.linesep * 2, times) # print("peekparagraph: %r" % res[:40]) self.currpos = startpos return res
[docs] def peekchunk(self, delimiter, times=1): """Works like :meth:`~ferenda.TextReader.readchunk`, but does not affect current seek position. If *times* is specified, peeks that many chunks ahead.""" oldpos = self.currpos for i in range(times): (res, newpos) = self.__find(delimiter, oldpos) # print "peekchunk: newpos: %s, oldpos: %s" % (newpos,oldpos) if newpos == oldpos: raise IOError("Peek past end of file") else: oldpos = newpos return self.__process(res)
[docs] def prev(self, size=0): """Works like :meth:``, but reads backwards from current seek position, and does not affect it.""" res =[self.currpos - size:self.currpos] return self.__process(res)
[docs] def prevline(self, times=1): """Works like :meth:`~ferenda.TextReader.readline`, but reads backwards from current seek position, and does not affect it. If *times* is specified, reads the line that many times back.""" return self.prevchunk(self.linesep, times)
[docs] def prevparagraph(self, times=1): """Works like :meth:`~ferenda.TextReader.readparagraph`, but reads backwards from current seek position, and does not affect it. If *times* is specified, reads the paragraph that many times back.""" return self.prevchunk(self.linesep * 2, times)
[docs] def prevchunk(self, delimiter, times=1): """Works like :meth:`~ferenda.TextReader.readchunk`, but reads backwards from current seek position, and does not affect it. If *times* is specified, reads the chunk that many times back.""" oldpos = self.currpos for i in range(times): (res, newpos) = self.__rfind(delimiter, oldpos) if newpos == oldpos: raise IOError("Prev (backwards peek) past end of file") else: oldpos = newpos return self.__process(res)
[docs] def getreader(self, callableObj, *args, **kwargs): """Enables you to treat the result of any single ``read*``, ``peek*`` or ``prev*`` methods as a new TextReader. Particularly useful to process individual pages in page-oriented documents:: filereader = TextReader("rfc822.txt") firstpagereader = filereader.getreader(filereader.readpage) # firstpagereader is now a standalone TextReader that only # contains the first page of text from rfc822.txt # reset current seek position page5reader = filereader.getreader(filereader.peekpage, times=5) # page5reader now contains the 5th page of text from rfc822.txt """ res = callableObj(*args, **kwargs) clone = copy.copy(self) = res clone.currpos = 0 clone.maxpos = len( return clone
[docs] def getiterator(self, callableObj, *args, **kwargs): """Returns an iterator:: filereader = TextReader("dashed.txt") # dashed.txt contains paragraphs separated by "----" for para in filereader.getiterator(filereader.readchunk, "----"): print(para) """ self.iterfunc = callableObj self.iterargs = args self.iterkwargs = kwargs return self
#---------------------------------------------------------------- # Implementation of a file-like interface
[docs] def flush(self): """See :py:meth:`io.IOBase.flush`. This is a no-op."""
[docs] def read(self, size=0): """See :py:meth:``.""" self.lastread =[self.currpos:self.currpos + size] self.currpos += len(self.lastread) return self.__process(self.lastread)
[docs] def readline(self, size=None): """See :py:meth:`io.TextIOBase.readline`. .. note:: The ``size`` parameter is not supported.""" # FIXME: the size arg is required for file-like interfaces, # but we don't support it return self.readchunk(self.linesep)
[docs] def seek(self, offset, whence=0): """See :py:meth:``. .. note:: The ``whence`` parameter is not supported.""" self.currpos = offset
[docs] def tell(self): """See :py:meth:`io.TextIOBase.tell`.""" return self.currpos
[docs] def write(str): """See :py:meth:`io.TextIOBase.write`. .. note:: Always raises IOError, as TextReader is a read-only object.""" return IOError("TextReaders are read-only")
[docs] def writelines(sequence): """See :py:meth:`io.IOBase.writelines`. .. note:: Always raises IOError, as TextReader is a read-only object.""" return IOError("TextReaders are read-only")
def __next__(self): oldpos = self.currpos # res = self.__process(self.readline()) # print "self.iterfunc is %r" % self.iterfunc res = self.__process(self.iterfunc(*self.iterargs, **self.iterkwargs)) if self.currpos == oldpos: raise StopIteration else: return res # alias for py2 compat next = __next__ """Backwards-compatibility alias for iterating over a file in python 2. Use :meth:`~ferenda.TextReader.getiterator` to make iteration work over anything other than lines (eg paragraphs, pages, etc). """