Source code for ferenda.documentstore

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division,
                        print_function, unicode_literals)
from builtins import *

from contextlib import contextmanager
from collections import namedtuple
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
import json
import filecmp
import operator
import os
import sys
import codecs
import shutil
import stat
import unicodedata
from urllib.parse import quote, unquote
from gzip import GzipFile
from datetime import datetime
    # the special py2 backported version of BZ2File, that can wrap existing fileobjects
    from bz2file import BZ2File
except ImportError:
    from bz2 import BZ2File
    from lzma import LZMAFile
except ImportError:
    LZMAFile = None

from ferenda import util
from ferenda import errors
from ferenda import DocumentEntry

def _compressed_suffix(compression):
    """Returns a suitable suffix (including leading dot, eg ".bz2") for
    the selected compression method."""
    if compression is True: # select best compression -- but is xz always the best?
        return ".xz"
    elif compression in ("xz", "bz2", "gz"): # valid compression identifiers
        return "." + compression
        return ""

class _open(object):
    """This class can work both as a context manager and as a substitute
    for a straight open() call. Most of the time you want to use it as
    a context manager ("with _open(...) as fp:"), but sometimes you
    need to open a file in one function, return it and let the
    reciever close the file when done.


    def __enter__(self):
        return self.fp  # this is what's returned as the fp in "with
                        # _open(...) as fp".

    def __exit__(self, *args):
    def __init__(self, filename, mode, compression=None):
        self.filename = filename
        self.mode = mode
        self.compression = compression
        suffix = _compressed_suffix(compression)
        def wrap_fp(fp):
            if suffix == ".gz":
                fp = GzipFile(fileobj=fp, mode=mode)
            elif suffix == ".bz2":
                    fp = BZ2File(fp, mode=mode)
                except TypeError:
                    if sys.version_info < (3, 0, 0):
                        raise NotImplementedError("built-in BZ2File is partially broken in python 2, install bz2file from pypi or use a compression setting other than 'bz2'")
            elif suffix == ".xz":
                fp = LZMAFile(fp, mode=mode)
            if (suffix or sys.version_info < (3,)) and "b" not in mode:
                # If mode is not binary (and we expect to be able to
                # write() str values, not bytes), need need to create
                # an additional encoding wrapper. That encoder can
                # probably use UTF-8 without any need for additional
                # configuration
                if "r" in mode and "w" in mode:
                    fp = StreamReaderWriter(fp, codecs.getreader("utf-8"),
                elif "w" in mode:
                    fp = codecs.getwriter("utf-8")(fp)
                elif suffix:
                    fp = codecs.getreader("utf-8")(fp)
            fp.realname = filename
            return fp

        def opener():
            if suffix == ".gz":
                return GzipFile
            elif suffix == ".bz2":
                return BZ2File
            elif suffix == ".xz":
                return LZMAFile
                return open  # or
        if "w" in mode:
            if suffix:
                # We ignore the mode when creating the temporary file
                # and use the the default "w+b" so that we can create
                # compressed (binary) data. The wrapped fp can take
                # care of str->binary conversions
                tempmode = "w+b"
                tempmode = mode
            self.fp = wrap_fp(NamedTemporaryFile(mode=tempmode, delete=False))
            if "a" in mode and not os.path.exists(filename):
            if suffix:
                # compressed files must always be read as binary -
                # wrap_fp takes care of bytes->str conversion
                tempmode = "rb"
                tempmode = mode
            self.fp = wrap_fp(open(filename, tempmode))

    def close(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if "w" in self.mode:
            tempname = util.name_from_fp(self.fp)
            ret = self.fp.close()
            if not os.path.exists(self.filename) or not filecmp.cmp(tempname, self.filename):
                shutil.move(tempname, self.filename)
                # since _open uses NamedTemporaryFile, which creates
                # files only readable by the creating user, we need to
                # set more liberal permissions. FIXME: This should
                # respect os.umask()
                os.chmod(self.filename, stat.S_IRUSR|stat.S_IWUSR|stat.S_IRGRP|stat.S_IWGRP|stat.S_IROTH)
            return ret
            # This is needed sometimes since
            # Bzip2File/LZMAFile/GzipFile doesn't close the open file
            # objects that they wrap
            if hasattr(self.fp, '_fp'):  # for Bzip2File/LZMAFile with IOBufferedReader
            if hasattr(self.fp, 'fileobj'):  # for GzipFile in the same situation
            return self.fp.close()

    def read(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return*args, **kwargs)

    def readlines(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.fp.readlines(*args, **kwargs)

    def write(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.fp.write(*args, **kwargs)

    def seek(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if isinstance(self.fp, codecs.Codec):
            # we can't just call seek() since the Codec class will
            # pass that call to the underlying stream, which might be
            # using a encoded bytestream. Since 10 str-level
            # characters might correspond to maybe 13 byte-level bytes
            # (due to utf-8 encoding overhead), we won't end up where
            # we expect. This workaround is costly, but should be
            # correct.
            data =[0])
            return None
            return*args, **kwargs)

    def tell(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.fp.tell(*args, **kwargs)

    def closed(self):
        return self.fp.closed

    def name(self):

class Needed(int):
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        obj = int.__new__(cls, *args)
        object.__setattr__(obj, 'reason', kwargs['reason'])
        return obj

    def __bool__(self):
        return True

RelateNeeded = namedtuple('RelateNeeded', ['fulltext', 'dependencies', 'triples'])
# make this namedtuple class work in a bool context: False iff all
# elements are falsy. Elements should be plain bools or Needed objects
RelateNeeded.__bool__ = lambda self: any(self)

# for reason, return the first True-ish elements reason (FIXME: what
# happens if no element is True?)
RelateNeeded.reason = property(lambda self: next(x.reason for x in self if x))

[docs]class DocumentStore(object): """Unifies handling of reading and writing of various data files during the ``download``, ``parse`` and ``generate`` stages. :param datadir: The root directory (including docrepo path segment) where files are stored. :type datadir: str :param storage_policy: Some repositories have documents in several formats, documents split amongst several files or embedded resources. If ``storage_policy`` is set to ``dir``, then each document gets its own directory (the default filename being ``index`` +suffix), otherwise each doc gets stored as a file in a directory with other files. Affects :py:meth:`~ferenda.DocumentStore.path` (and therefore all other ``*_path`` methods) :type storage_policy: str :param compression: Which compression method to use when storing files. Can be ``None`` (no compression), ``"gz"``, ``"bz2"``, ``"xz"`` or ``True`` (select best compression method, currently xz). NB: This only affects :py:meth:`~ferenda.DocumentStore.intermediate_path` and :py:meth:`~ferenda.DocumentStore.open_intermediate`. :type compression: str """ compression = None downloaded_suffixes = [".html"] intermediate_suffixes = [".xml"] invalid_suffixes = [".invalid"] def __init__(self, datadir, storage_policy="file", compression=None): self.datadir = datadir # docrepo.datadir + docrepo.alias self.storage_policy = storage_policy assert self.storage_policy in ("dir", "file") self.compression = compression # TODO: Maybe this is a worthwhile extension to the API? Could ofc # easily be done everywhere where a non-document related path is # needed.
[docs] def resourcepath(self, resourcename): return self.datadir + os.sep + resourcename.replace("/", os.sep)
[docs] def open_resource(self, resourcename, mode="r"): filename = self.resourcepath(resourcename) return _open(filename, mode)
[docs] def path(self, basefile, maindir, suffix, version=None, attachment=None, storage_policy=None): """Calculate a full filesystem path for the given parameters. :param basefile: The basefile of the resource we're calculating a filename for :type basefile: str :param maindir: The stage of processing, e.g. ``downloaded`` or ``parsed`` :type maindir: str :param suffix: Appropriate file suffix, e.g. ``.txt`` or ``.pdf`` :param version: Optional. The archived version id :type version: str :param attachment: Optional. Any associated file needed by the main file. :type attachment: str :param storage_policy: Optional. Used to override `storage_policy` if needed :type attachment: str .. note:: This is a generic method with many parameters. In order to keep your code tidy and and loosely coupled to the actual storage policy, you should use methods like :meth:`~ferenda.DocumentStore.downloaded_path` or :meth:`~ferenda.DocumentStore.parsed_path` when possible. Example: >>> d = DocumentStore(datadir="/tmp/base") >>> realsep = os.sep >>> os.sep = "/" >>> d.path('123/a', 'parsed', '.xhtml') == '/tmp/base/parsed/123/a.xhtml' True >>> d.storage_policy = "dir" >>> d.path('123/a', 'parsed', '.xhtml') == '/tmp/base/parsed/123/a/index.xhtml' True >>> d.path('123/a', 'downloaded', None, 'r4711', 'appendix.txt') == '/tmp/base/archive/downloaded/123/a/r4711/appendix.txt' True >>> os.sep = realsep :param basefile: The basefile for which to calculate the path :type basefile: str :param maindir: The processing stage directory (normally ``downloaded``, ``parsed``, or ``generated``) :type maindin: str :param suffix: The file extension including period (i.e. ``.txt``, not ``txt``) :type suffix: str :param version: Optional, the archived version id :type version: str :param attachment: Optional. Any associated file needed by the main file. Requires that ``storage_policy`` is set to ``dir``. ``suffix`` is ignored if this parameter is used. :type attachment: str :returns: The full filesystem path :rtype: str """ pathfrag = self.basefile_to_pathfrag(basefile) if not storage_policy: storage_policy = self.storage_policy if version: v_pathfrag = self.basefile_to_pathfrag(version) segments = [self.datadir, 'archive', maindir, pathfrag, v_pathfrag] else: segments = [self.datadir, maindir, pathfrag] if storage_policy == "dir": if attachment: for illegal in ':/': if illegal in attachment: raise errors.AttachmentNameError( "Char '%s' in attachment name '%s' not allowed" % (illegal, attachment)) segments.append(attachment) else: segments.append("index" + suffix) else: if attachment is not None: raise errors.AttachmentPolicyError( "Can't add attachments (name %s) if " "storage_policy != 'dir'" % attachment) segments[-1] += suffix path = "/".join(segments) if os.sep != "/": path = path.replace("/", os.sep) return path
[docs] def open(self, basefile, maindir, suffix, mode="r", version=None, attachment=None, compression=None): """Context manager that opens files for reading or writing. The parameters are the same as for :meth:`~ferenda.DocumentStore.path`, and the note is applicable here as well -- use :meth:`~ferenda.DocumentStore.open_downloaded`, :meth:`~ferenda.DocumentStore.open_parsed` et al if possible. Example: >>> store = DocumentStore(datadir="/tmp/base") >>> with'123/a', 'parsed', '.xhtml', mode="w") as fp: ... res = fp.write("hello world") >>> os.path.exists("/tmp/base/parsed/123/a.xhtml") True """ filename = self.path(basefile, maindir, suffix, version, attachment) return _open(filename, mode, compression)
[docs] def needed(self, basefile, action): """Determine if we really need to perform *action* for the given *basefile*, or if the result of the action (in the form of the file that the action creates, or similar) is newer than all of the actions dependencies (in the form of source files for the action). """ def newer(filename, dt, field): if not os.path.exists(filename): return False elif not dt: # has never been indexed return Needed(reason="%s has not been processed according to %s in documententry %s" % (filename, field, entry._path)) else: if datetime.fromtimestamp(os.stat(filename).st_mtime) > dt: return Needed(reason="%s is newer than %s in documententry %s" % (filename, field, entry._path)) else: return False # if this function is even called, it means that force is not # true (or has not been called with a single # basefile, which is an implied force) if action == "parse": infile = self.downloaded_path(basefile) outfile = self.parsed_path(basefile) newer = util.outfile_is_newer([infile], outfile) if not newer: return Needed(reason=getattr(newer, 'reason', None)) else: return False elif action == "relate": entry = DocumentEntry(self.documententry_path(basefile)) return RelateNeeded( fulltext=newer(self.parsed_path(basefile), entry.indexed_ft, 'indexed_ft'), triples=newer(self.distilled_path(basefile), entry.indexed_ts, 'indexed_ts'), dependencies=newer(self.dependencies_path(basefile), entry.indexed_dep, 'indexed_dep')) elif action == "generate": infile = self.parsed_path(basefile) annotations = self.annotation_path(basefile) if os.path.exists(self.dependencies_path(basefile)): deptxt = util.readfile(self.dependencies_path(basefile)) dependencies = deptxt.strip().split("\n") else: dependencies = [] dependencies.extend((infile, annotations)) outfile = self.generated_path(basefile) # support generated 404 files (when served through HTTP, # served with HTTP status 404, but otherwise works just as # regular generated files) if not os.path.exists(outfile) and os.path.exists(outfile + ".404"): outfile += ".404" newer = util.outfile_is_newer(dependencies, outfile) if not newer: return Needed(reason=getattr(newer, 'reason', None)) else: return False elif action == "transformlinks": entry = DocumentEntry(self.documententry_path(basefile)) infile = self.generated_path(basefile) # if entry.status['generate']['date'] is older than the # file modification date, something has modified the file # after generate -- most likely a call to transformlinks() if not newer(infile, entry.updated, 'updated'): return Needed(reason="%s has not been modified after generate at %s" % (infile, entry.status['generate']['date'])) else: return False else: # custom actions will need to override needed and provide logic there return True
[docs] def list_basefiles_for(self, action, basedir=None, force=True): """Get all available basefiles that can be used for the specified action. :param action: The action for which to get available basefiles (``parse``, ``relate``, ``generate`` or ``news``) :type action: str :param basedir: The base directory in which to search for available files. If not provided, defaults to ``self.datadir``. :type basedir: str :returns: All available basefiles :rtype: generator """ def prepend_index(suffixes): prepend = self.storage_policy == "dir" # If each document is stored in a separate directory # (storage_policy = "dir"), there is usually other # auxillary files (attachments and whatnot) in that # directory as well. Make sure we only yield a single file # from each directory. By convention, the main file is # called index.html, index.pdf or whatever. return [os.sep + "index" + s if prepend else s for s in suffixes] def trim_documententry(basefile): # if the path (typically for the distilled or # parsed file) is a 0-size file, the following # steps should not be carried out. But since # they at some point might have done that # anyway, we're left with a bunch of stale # error reports in the entry files. As a # one-time-thing, try to blank out irrelevant # sections. entry = DocumentEntry(self.documententry_path(basefile)) sections = {'parse': ['parse', 'relate', 'generate'], 'relate': ['relate', 'generate'], 'generate': ['generate']}.get(action, {}) for section in sections: if section in entry.status: del entry.status[section] if not basedir: basedir = self.datadir directory = None if action == "parse": directory = os.path.sep.join((basedir, "downloaded")) suffixes = prepend_index(self.downloaded_suffixes) elif action == "relate": directory = os.path.sep.join((basedir, "distilled")) suffixes = [".rdf"] elif action == "generate": directory = os.path.sep.join((basedir, "parsed")) suffixes = prepend_index([".xhtml"]) elif action == "news": directory = os.path.sep.join((basedir, "entries")) suffixes = [".json"] # FIXME: _postgenerate is a fake action, needed for # get_status. Maybe we can replace it with transformlinks now? elif action in ("_postgenerate", "transformlinks"): directory = os.path.sep.join((basedir, "generated")) suffixes = prepend_index([".html"]) if not directory: raise ValueError("No directory calculated for action %s" % action) if not os.path.exists(directory): return # if we have information about how long each basefile took the # last time, use that to yield the most demanding basefiles # first. This improves throughput when processing files in # paralell. Note: .durations.json is only created by # devel.statusreport durations_path = self.path(".durations", "entries", ".json", storage_policy="file") durations = {} if os.path.exists(durations_path): with open(durations_path) as fp: d = json.load(fp) if action in d: durations = d[action] yielded_paths = set() for basefile, duration in sorted(durations.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True): if duration == -1 and not force: # Skip files that will raise DocumentRemovedError ? pass elif not force and not self.needed(basefile, action): # Skip files for which no action will be performed pass else: # make sure the underlying file really still exists path = None intermediate_path = False if action == "parse": path = self.downloaded_path(basefile) intermediate_path = os.path.exists(self.intermediate_path(basefile)) elif action == "relate": path = self.distilled_path(basefile) elif action == "generate": path = self.parsed_path(basefile) if os.path.exists(path): yielded_paths.add(path) if os.path.getsize(path) > 0 or intermediate_path: yield basefile else: trim_documententry(basefile) for x in util.list_dirs(directory, suffixes, reverse=True): if x in yielded_paths: continue if not os.path.exists(x) or x.endswith((".root.json", ".durations.json")): continue # get a pathfrag from full path # suffixlen = len(suffix) if self.storage_policy == "file" else len(suffix) + 1 suffixlen = 0 for s in suffixes: if x.endswith(s): suffixlen = len(s) break else: raise ValueError("%s doesn't end with a valid suffix (%s)" % x, ", ".join(suffixes)) pathfrag = x[len(directory) + 1:-suffixlen] basefile = self.pathfrag_to_basefile(pathfrag) # ignore empty files placed by download (which may have # done that in order to avoid trying to re-download # nonexistent resources) -- but not if there is a viable # intermediate file ( creates empty files in download # but contentful files in intermediate, when splitting a # large doc over multiple basefiles). intermediate_path = False if action == "parse": intermediate_path = os.path.exists(self.intermediate_path(basefile)) if os.path.getsize(x) > 0 or intermediate_path: yield basefile elif action in ("relate", "generate"): trim_documententry(basefile)
[docs] def list_versions(self, basefile, action=None): """Get all archived versions of a given basefile. :param basefile: The basefile to list archived versions for :type basefile: str :param action: The type of file to look for (either ``downloaded``, ``parsed`` or ``generated``. If ``None``, look for all types. :type action: str :returns: All available versions for that basefile :rtype: generator """ if action: assert action in ( 'downloaded', 'parsed', 'generated'), "Action %s invalid" % action actions = (action,) else: actions = ('downloaded', 'parsed', 'generated') basedir = self.datadir pathfrag = self.basefile_to_pathfrag(basefile) yielded_basefiles = [] for action in actions: directory = os.sep.join((basedir, "archive", action, pathfrag)) if not os.path.exists(directory): continue for x in util.list_dirs(directory, reverse=False): if os.path.exists(x): # /datadir/base/archive/downloaded/basefile/version.html # => version.html x = x[len(directory) + 1:] if self.storage_policy == "dir": # version/index.html => version x = os.sep.join(x.split(os.sep)[:-1]) else: # version.html => version x = os.path.splitext(x)[0] if os.sep in x: # we didn't find an archived file for # basefile, instead we found an archived file # for another basefile that startswith our # basefile (eg '123' and '123/a', and we found # '123/a/4.html') continue # print("Found file %r %r" % (x, self.pathfrag_to_basefile(x))) basefile = self.pathfrag_to_basefile(x) if basefile not in yielded_basefiles: yielded_basefiles.append(basefile) yield basefile
[docs] def list_attachments(self, basefile, action, version=None): """Get all attachments for a basefile in a specified state :param action: The state (type of file) to look for (either ``downloaded``, ``parsed`` or ``generated``. If ``None``, look for all types. :type action: str :param basefile: The basefile to list attachments for :type basefile: str :param version: The version of the basefile to list attachments for. If None, list attachments for the current version. :type version: str :returns: All available attachments for the basefile :rtype: generator """ if self.storage_policy != "dir": raise errors.AttachmentPolicyError( "Can't list attachments if storage_policy != 'dir'") basedir = self.datadir # pathfrag = self.pathfrag_to_basefile(basefile) # that can't be right? pathfrag = self.basefile_to_pathfrag(basefile) if version: v_pathfrag = self.basefile_to_pathfrag(version) directory = os.sep.join((basedir, "archive", action, pathfrag, v_pathfrag)) else: directory = os.sep.join((basedir, action, pathfrag)) # FIXME: Similar map exists in list_basefiles_for and in other # places throughout the code. Should subclasses be able to # control suffixes beyond the simple self.downloaded_suffix # mechanism? suffixmap = {'downloaded': self.downloaded_suffixes, 'parsed': ['.xhtml'], 'generated': ['.html']} mainfiles = ["index" + s for s in suffixmap[action]] for x in util.list_dirs(directory, reverse=False): # /datadir/base/downloaded/basefile/attachment.txt => attachment.txt x = x[len(directory) + 1:] if x not in mainfiles: if not [suffix for suffix in self.invalid_suffixes if x.endswith(suffix)]: yield x
[docs] def basefile_to_pathfrag(self, basefile): """Given a basefile, returns a string that can safely be used as a fragment of the path for any representation of that file. The default implementation recognizes a number of characters that are unsafe to use in file names and replaces them with HTTP percent-style encoding. Example: >>> d = DocumentStore("/tmp") >>> realsep = os.sep >>> os.sep = "/" >>> d.basefile_to_pathfrag('1998:204') == '1998/%3A204' True >>> os.sep = realsep If you wish to override how document files are stored in directories, you can override this method, but you should make sure to also override :py:meth:`~ferenda.DocumentStore.pathfrag_to_basefile` to work as the inverse of this method. :param basefile: The basefile to encode :type basefile: str :returns: The encoded path fragment :rtype: str """ safe = '/;@&=+,' return quote(basefile, safe=safe).replace('%', os.sep + '%')
[docs] def pathfrag_to_basefile(self, pathfrag): """Does the inverse of :py:meth:`~ferenda.DocumentStore.basefile_to_pathfrag`, that is, converts a fragment of a file path into the corresponding basefile. :param pathfrag: The path fragment to decode :type pathfrag: str :returns: The resulting basefile :rtype: str """ # Pathfrags on MacOS, coming from the file system, are unicode # strings in NFD (decompsed), ie 'å' is split into 'a' and # COMBINING CHARACTER RING (or whatever it's called. We need # them in NFC, where 'å' is a single character. pathfrag = unicodedata.normalize("NFC", pathfrag) if os.sep == "\\": pathfrag = pathfrag.replace("\\", "/") return unquote(pathfrag.replace('/%', '%'))
[docs] def archive(self, basefile, version): """Moves the current version of a document to an archive. All files related to the document are moved (downloaded, parsed, generated files and any existing attachment files). :param basefile: The basefile of the document to archive :type basefile: str :param version: The version id to archive under :type version: str """ for meth in (self.downloaded_path, self.documententry_path, self.parsed_path, self.serialized_path, self.distilled_path, self.annotation_path, self.generated_path): # FIXME: what about intermediate? Ignore them as they # should be able to be regenerated at any time? src = meth(basefile) dest = meth(basefile, version) if self.storage_policy == "dir" and meth in (self.downloaded_path, self.parsed_path, self.generated_path): src = os.path.dirname(src) dest = os.path.dirname(dest) if not os.path.exists(src): continue if os.path.exists(dest): raise errors.ArchivingError( "Archive destination %s for basefile %s version %s already exists!" % (dest, basefile, version)) # self.log.debug("Archiving %s to %s" % (src,dest)) # print("Archiving %s to %s" % (src,dest)) util.ensure_dir(dest) shutil.move(src, dest)
[docs] def downloaded_path(self, basefile, version=None, attachment=None): """Get the full path for the downloaded file for the given basefile (and optionally archived version and/or attachment filename). :param basefile: The basefile for which to calculate the path :type basefile: str :param version: Optional. The archived version id :type version: str :param attachment: Optional. Any associated file needed by the main file. :type attachment: str :returns: The full filesystem path :rtype: str """ for suffix in self.downloaded_suffixes: path = self.path(basefile, "downloaded", suffix, version, attachment) if os.path.exists(path): return path else: return self.path(basefile, 'downloaded', self.downloaded_suffixes[0], version, attachment)
[docs] def open_downloaded(self, basefile, mode="r", version=None, attachment=None): """Opens files for reading and writing, c.f. :meth:``. The parameters are the same as for :meth:`~ferenda.DocumentStore.downloaded_path`. """ filename = self.downloaded_path(basefile, version, attachment) return _open(filename, mode)
[docs] def documententry_path(self, basefile, version=None): """Get the full path for the documententry JSON file for the given basefile (and optionally archived version). :param basefile: The basefile for which to calculate the path :type basefile: str :param version: Optional. The archived version id :type version: str :returns: The full filesystem path :rtype: str """ return self.path(basefile, 'entries', '.json', version, storage_policy="file")
[docs] def intermediate_path(self, basefile, version=None, attachment=None, suffix=None): """Get the full path for the main intermediate file for the given basefile (and optionally archived version). :param basefile: The basefile for which to calculate the path :type basefile: str :param version: Optional. The archived version id :type version: str :param attachment: Optional. Any associated file created or retained in the intermediate step :returns: The full filesystem path :rtype: str """ if suffix: return self.path(basefile, 'intermediate', suffix + _compressed_suffix(self.compression), version, attachment) for suffix in self.intermediate_suffixes: path = self.path(basefile, 'intermediate', suffix + _compressed_suffix(self.compression), version, attachment) if os.path.exists(path): return path else: suffix = self.intermediate_suffixes[0] return self.path(basefile, 'intermediate', suffix + _compressed_suffix(self.compression), version, attachment)
[docs] def open_intermediate(self, basefile, mode="r", version=None, attachment=None, suffix=None): """Opens files for reading and writing, c.f. :meth:``. The parameters are the same as for :meth:`~ferenda.DocumentStore.intermediate_path`. """ filename = self.intermediate_path(basefile, version, attachment, suffix) return _open(filename, mode, self.compression)
[docs] def parsed_path(self, basefile, version=None, attachment=None): """Get the full path for the parsed XHTML file for the given basefile. :param basefile: The basefile for which to calculate the path :type basefile: str :param version: Optional. The archived version id :type version: str :param attachment: Optional. Any associated file needed by the main file (created by :py:meth:`~ferenda.DocumentRepository.parse`) :type attachment: str :returns: The full filesystem path :rtype: str """ return self.path(basefile, 'parsed', '.xhtml', version, attachment)
[docs] def open_parsed(self, basefile, mode="r", version=None, attachment=None): """Opens files for reading and writing, c.f. :meth:``. The parameters are the same as for :meth:`~ferenda.DocumentStore.parsed_path`. """ filename = self.parsed_path(basefile, version, attachment) return _open(filename, mode)
[docs] def serialized_path(self, basefile, version=None, attachment=None): """Get the full path for the serialized JSON file for the given basefile. :param basefile: The basefile for which to calculate the path :type basefile: str :param version: Optional. The archived version id :type version: str :returns: The full filesystem path :rtype: str """ return self.path(basefile, 'serialized', '.json', version, storage_policy="file")
[docs] def open_serialized(self, basefile, mode="r", version=None): """Opens files for reading and writing, c.f. :meth:``. The parameters are the same as for :meth:`~ferenda.DocumentStore.serialized_path`. """ filename = self.serialized_path(basefile, version) return _open(filename, mode)
[docs] def distilled_path(self, basefile, version=None): """Get the full path for the distilled RDF/XML file for the given basefile. :param basefile: The basefile for which to calculate the path :type basefile: str :param version: Optional. The archived version id :type version: str :returns: The full filesystem path :rtype: str """ return self.path(basefile, 'distilled', '.rdf', version, storage_policy="file")
[docs] def open_distilled(self, basefile, mode="r", version=None): """Opens files for reading and writing, c.f. :meth:``. The parameters are the same as for :meth:`~ferenda.DocumentStore.distilled_path`. """ filename = self.distilled_path(basefile, version) return _open(filename, mode)
[docs] def generated_path(self, basefile, version=None, attachment=None): """Get the full path for the generated file for the given basefile (and optionally archived version and/or attachment filename). :param basefile: The basefile for which to calculate the path :type basefile: str :param version: Optional. The archived version id :type version: str :param attachment: Optional. Any associated file needed by the main file. :type attachment: str :returns: The full filesystem path :rtype: str """ return self.path(basefile, 'generated', '.html', version, attachment)
[docs] def open_generated(self, basefile, mode="r", version=None, attachment=None): """Opens files for reading and writing, c.f. :meth:``. The parameters are the same as for :meth:`~ferenda.DocumentStore.generated_path`. """ filename = self.generated_path(basefile, version, attachment) return _open(filename, mode)
# Removed this method until I find a reason to use it # # def open_generated(self, basefile, mode="r", version=None, attachment=None): # """Opens files for reading and writing, # c.f. :meth:``. The parameters are # the same as for # :meth:`~ferenda.DocumentStore.generated_path`. # # """ # filename = self.generated_path(basefile, version, attachment) # return _open(filename, mode)
[docs] def annotation_path(self, basefile, version=None): """Get the full path for the annotation file for the given basefile (and optionally archived version). :param basefile: The basefile for which to calculate the path :type basefile: str :param version: Optional. The archived version id :type version: str :returns: The full filesystem path :rtype: str """ return self.path(basefile, 'annotations', '.grit.xml', version, storage_policy="file")
[docs] def open_annotation(self, basefile, mode="r", version=None): """Opens files for reading and writing, c.f. :meth:``. The parameters are the same as for :meth:`~ferenda.DocumentStore.annotation_path`.""" filename = self.annotation_path(basefile, version) return _open(filename, mode)
[docs] def dependencies_path(self, basefile): """Get the full path for the dependency file for the given basefile :param basefile: The basefile for which to calculate the path :type basefile: str :returns: The full filesystem path :rtype: str """ return self.path(basefile, 'deps', '.txt', storage_policy="file")
[docs] def open_dependencies(self, basefile, mode="r"): """Opens files for reading and writing, c.f. :meth:``. The parameters are the same as for :meth:`~ferenda.DocumentStore.dependencies_path`.""" filename = self.dependencies_path(basefile) return _open(filename, mode)
[docs] def atom_path(self, basefile): """Get the full path for the atom file for the given basefile .. note:: This is used by :meth:`` and does not really operate on "real" basefiles. It might be removed. You probably shouldn't use it unless you override :meth:`` :param basefile: The basefile for which to calculate the path :type basefile: str :returns: The full filesystem path :rtype: str """ return self.path(basefile, 'feed', '.atom', storage_policy="file")